Satanism Q Muskrat

Divine Fits Into A Size 28 Dress

Sleepy Jean has just crashed after being awake for four days straight.

Sleepy Jean has just crashed after being awake for four days straight.

My point is really just that I feel Foo Fighters is a superior rock band to Nirvana at this point in the history of the two groups.  Nirvana may have launched a thousand punk bands and been more widely respected by critics, but FF has reached a wider audience and thus achieved greater success due to what I believe to

My point is really just that I feel Foo Fighters is a superior rock band to Nirvana at this point in the history of the two groups.  Nirvana may have launched a thousand punk bands and been more widely respected by critics, but FF has reached a wider audience and thus achieved greater success due to what I believe to

Foo Fighters > Nirvana.  Discuss.

Foo Fighters > Nirvana.  Discuss.

Tom Hanks for President.

Tom Hanks for President.



Based on this artwork, the answer is "clearly".

Based on this artwork, the answer is "clearly".

Oh man, that's just about the most perfect knock-knock joke-related pun I've ever seen.  NAME ME A FINER ONE!!

Oh man, that's just about the most perfect knock-knock joke-related pun I've ever seen.  NAME ME A FINER ONE!!

Wrong. The only other frontwoman the Breeders ever had was Tanya Donelly, and she's long gone.

Wrong. The only other frontwoman the Breeders ever had was Tanya Donelly, and she's long gone.

Scared the hell outta me when it popped up there.  Dude's quite a sight.

Scared the hell outta me when it popped up there.  Dude's quite a sight.

Stupid Sexy Flanders is right about Callous being right!