Little chicken

Who made Rick boss? Isn't that why they formed a council? I think it would be interesting if the show followed what Carol does now as well as the morons in the prison. I hope she doesn't just disappear for a season and then suddenly pop up again like the Gov is obviously going to do. The audience is too invested in

That old hippy Hershel with his pony tail, forgetful ways and possibly a marijuana crop amongst the vegetables, now he's going to save them all from infection with his Elderberry Tea. Shame Dr S had to die, the only piece of decent acting in the whole episode.

Yeah but it's all owned by Rupert Murdoch. Either way he's making money out of Fox News and Foxtel which screens The Walking Dead.

Why didn't Rick tell anyone about the dead pig earlier? It seemed like he only shared this important info after half of the cast were eaten by zombies. Isn't Hershal a vet? Shouldn't they have been even a little bit curious about what had killed it. I don't know, I sometimes think these people kind of have the bad

I've wondered where they are getting their water from. The smart thing would have been to catch rain water, what film was it where the survivors set up garbage cans on the roof of a building for rain water collection? Anyway, I would think it should be obvious that after a while with all those rotting bodies the water

Looks like season 4 will be much of the same and I'm not sure how many seasons they can drag this story out for. Shame because it has so much potential but I'm finding it a wee bit boring. The British zombie series Dead Set was great, made a few years ago and only a five parter but much more exciting and interesting

I agree with an earlier post, TWD is a soap opera with zombies. I watch it as light entertainment and viewing it as such is fine. For me the show lacks good dialogue, The Sopranos, The Wire, Game of Thrones, Deadwood and Breaking Bad all had smart, well thought out,clever dialogue. TWD could never seriously be