Aw, shucks. Can't take credit for the avatar, I stole that from a site called which doesn't seem to have been updated for a couple years. Thanks anyhow.
Aw, shucks. Can't take credit for the avatar, I stole that from a site called which doesn't seem to have been updated for a couple years. Thanks anyhow.
Yeah, I'm not normally a big fan of the "try to discredit a person's viewpoints by making fun of how they look" school of humour. But holy shit — I'm not the best looking guy in the world by half, but at least I make an effort not to actively frighten children when I leave the house.
Holy shit does it ever. I'm midway through the 3rd paragraph and had to scroll down to the comments to see if anyone else noticed. Evidently, several somebodies did.
That would be … brilliant, actually. Don't think it's gonna happen, but fingers crossed!
Umm, okay, they were frozen, I get that. But they must have been revived at least 12 years prior to Ethan, cuz that's how long Kate has been there (and it's likely longer, since both Pilcher and Pope went through the whole Group A fiasco first), so you'd think there'd be a little aging evident.
Pro tip: If something costs $0.99, and you really don't want to lose that penny, buy 3 of them for $2.97, and the price gets rounded down to $2.95, and you *win* 2 cents.
Admittedly, it took us a while to get used to the loonies and toonies. But since we got rid of the penny, it balances out, cuz there's less change in your pocket overall.
Ooh, good point. She did give Pilcher that kind of creepy hand-hug when they first met. But she hasn't interacted at all with Ethan, has she?
So *now* can you Americans get rid of the dollar bill and the penny?
Agreed, @disqus_KMKe0tqoWs:disqus, I appreciate the character development (and acting) on the show. If "The Truth" is really the truth, then I agree that premise of the show has veered off into "Under the Dome"-level dumbness, but it's still worth watching for the performances and character developments.
"I look forward as to the explanation why Kendall Malone looks nothing whatsoever like her clone Sarah and all the other clones. That's what a clone is : they ought to look identical, aside from age."
Weirdest thing about this story is I first heard about it on BBC International News (seriously). Does Disney/Marvel/Star Wars/etc. own BBC now?
Check this out:…
for a possible answer.
So … Jafar and Raj Koothrappali and Julian Bashir are … brothers?
If Cornish is willing to re-boot the Mugato as a "big alien gorilla wolf motherfucker", I'm in.
Here's another vote for Trancers!
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I don't get why it weirds (some) English-speaking people out, when people use, as you say, new words in new forms. That's been a feature of the English language since Chaucer's time, but I can see why it's perplexing to someone learning it as a second language.
Oh, fer crying out loud already … "Comment" is a noun that you turned into a verb. "Guess" is a noun you turned into a verb. "Turn" is a noun that you turned into a verb. "Cry" is a noun that I turned into a verb.
It's either Get Crazy or the Swanky Modes concert from Tapeheads. Can't decide which.
Actually, @avclub-5ff056fb661e3f6375bdf155111cb391:disqus , I think you're referring to Hannibol "The Cannible" Lector, who PDN referred to last week. You know, one of the great screen villains, like Ernest Bloffuld. Or Drath Vador.