Ronly Bonly Jones

Hickory Dickory Dock, I want Nancy to suck my cock,

Ay Stella!

She was built like a burlap bag full of bobcats.  She had it to-gether.

Thank you, sir/madam.  That is absolutely true.

With Sterling Hayden as Greedo.

"That's Bantha poo-doo, and this is Shinola."

I gotcha.  Sometimes you do wonder where it comes from if you want to look hard enough.  And if somebody I were dating wouldn't let me see their house for 8 months, I would get a little suspicious.  But that's not necessarily evidence of complicity or callousness.  It could just be stupidity or denial.But if someone

I'm not trying to defend Heartbroken's husband's mistress here, but there is no indication she is 'a piece of shit'.

Well, 'running into' her could substantially raise your auto insurance rates.

Usually, his sex advice is sound, but his relationship advice is sometimes laughably misguided.

Dellarigg    Shot twice at close range.  Double-tapped.

madbeatnk   Thank you!  I was wondering about the difference between the two.

Two and a Half Jokes……per show.

The Juggernaut Bitch  His cover of 'Hole Hearted' is pretty good.


Subtle as a flying brick.

I liked Casino the first time, when it was called 'Goodfellas'.

Dear Savage Arsehole,

And months.

Odds are, the guy's friends would be OK with that.