Ronly Bonly Jones

mullet75   That makes the mailbox harder to open.

I see what you're getting at.  But still, some peoole would see the machinations and couldn't suspend that disbelief.

Yeah, at first blush it did look like a Rodney Dangerfield joke, didn't it?

Yes, indeed.  It's still news.  It counts.

I am unaware of how this is supposed to work.  Guy #1 pays for sex with Guy #2's wife, which Guy #2 gave to Guy #1 for that express purpose.  Wife knows about all the details of this transaction, though.  Wouldn't knowledge of all this kill the fantasy for the wife?

The popcorn you are eating has been pissed in.  Film at 11.

And so, in summation, Dawes, mumblemumblemumble Lana Del Ray mumblemumblemumble Community is great; everything else sucks.

Agreed with all except for Point 1.  Suitable punishment for Seth MacFarlane:  Cancel all of his shows and make him work cleaning out restrooms in a bus station for the rest of his life.

One down, two to go!  (And a still-in-development sitcom)


And I've been standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona.  It was 4 in the morning and I had to take a piss.  It was dark there.

It still would have been better that Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.

They're actually pretty good if you have the mute button on.

Comparing Myers' movies to Carvey's is like comparing death by disembowelment to being burned at the stake.

Yep.  'Shat' is the appropriate verb for that one.

Have you been reading my fanfiction?

Brent Spiner's "Ol' Yellow Eyes"

Really?  With all of those terrible songs Shatner 'sang'?

If you hear it, it clamps onto your brain, much like that earworm with pincers in The Wrath of Khan.

I guess they can't afford KISS in Estonia.