Ronly Bonly Jones

So what is the actual, non-Hollywood difference between a 'sex therapist' and a sex worker?  Not trying to be snarky here, I am actually curious because I do not know.

I thought Mr. Burns was an Ivy Leaguer.  He would complain loudly upon knowing that someone would represent him in such a manner.

They ended up as rodent pemmican, I'm afraid.

Explanation:  My sister and I were very young, when one summer day my mother was cleaning the basement.  This was where Sonny and Cher were kept.  She took them outside while she got everything clean.  She got distracted by another chore in the meantime and kept them out for a couple of hours.  End result:  baked

I had two when I was a kid, and they had 18 babies.  They were awesome. Ironically, they all died after being left out in the sun.

I heard it was a shitty rap song.


He produced it too.  And did a fantastic job, I might say.

"It's A Shame" is one of the most cognitively dissonant songs ever.  The happiest song I have ever heard about a miserable relationship.  And it swings!

It taint funny.

Four Lance Armstrongs!

I dunno.  I'd go Odelay > Mutations >One Foot in The Grave > Midnite Vultures > Mellow Gold >The Information

Anytime I read (or hear) about anybody putting their junk in restrictive devices, especially in grim detail, it gives me the willies.  And the response posted earlier.  If you are male, you can probably relate.

And then you came upon THE THING?

So Zach Galifinakis has the tits?

We can comment on this now?, this won't last long, etc.


Dammit, these threads are why I love AV Club so much.

Looks like no one will be Jamaican Love tonight.

Hell yes!  Let's get stinko!