Ronly Bonly Jones

I'm County Weed Control.

John Travolta:  Massage Parlor Inspector

Springfield, Springfield, it's a Gay old town!

Shitty Hall is located there.

I'd like to see the mitre that comes with that uniform.

Cunt-ographer?  (You didn't say it had to be a good one).

He obviously ran on the Pretensious Douchebag ticket.

The Starland Vocal Band agrees.

@kielbasa:  Perhaps you would like to baptise yourself….in the waters of Lake Winnetonka…

A guy I know saw Kirchen this winter when he was in my town.  Apparently, at the end of 'Hot Rod Lincoln' he played the famous riff at double time.

Gene Watson was a very talented singer, who had a few hits in the 70s.  His 'Love In The Hot Afternoon' was one of the greatest country songs of the decade.  Also good by Watson:  'Farewell Party', 'Nothing Sure Looked Good On You' and a lot more.

ONJ was insane hot in the 70s.

What about the Brill building in the 60s?  Lots of the stuff that was written there were genuinely great songs.  When put in the hands of other artists, the other artists could make them their own.

He is actually perfect for today's commercially-oriented country music:  monotonic and banal.  And a lot of his frat-boy audience from the 90s has gone on to be dads in the suburbs, so his audio pablum suits them perfectly.

I don't know if Cowboy Troy is big anymore, but there you go.

Most rappers are affiliated with the Green Party.

To tell the truth, they have sold about 3 million copies of their next album(Taking the Long Way) in the US alone and won 5 Grammys for it.  It got no airplay on my local country station, though, because the Program Director had a right-wing grudge against them.  So I couldn't tell you where the support came from.

Or Gene Watson.  The man was a great singer.  There is none better than 'Love in the Hot Afternoon'.

Was that 'Last Night My Dog Left Me, and Now You're The Only Bitch I've Got'?

Final Girl    I think it was largely to create controversy and to sell some records through his own company (DAC Records).  If you are a musician on the road playing the same old music, I imagine that sometimes you would want to play something really nasty just for a release.