Ronly Bonly Jones

She got the goldmine, I got the shaft
Well, they split it right down the middle
And they give her the better half!
 Well, it all sounds mighty funny;
But it hurts too much to laugh
She got the goooldmine, I got the shaft!

Q:  What do you get when you play a country record backwards?

Though most singers seem to buy the stuff that has the better hook or is more insubstantial.

It seems like during the last 20 years, there needs to be a 'country identity' with some people.  The songs try to express it, but they are all excessively mass-produced shit.  They care more about the shine on the bumper than what is under the hood.

Velociraptor:  You hit the nail right on the head.

Nope.  He had 2 albums of off-color and racist songs in the early 80s.  One was called 'The Underground Album', I believe.

Jeez, Moz, you are such a mope.  Just eat a steak and get laid, already.

Scortius the Charioteer:  But 'Football In the Groin' had a football in the groin!

Well, if it's gonna sound like shit, it may as well smell like it.

I can't like this enough.  Nice job.

Wow!  You are a rare bird indeed.  So how many people actually pay for Muzak?  And Why?  Who knows, maybe you are not part of that end of the operation.  My apologies if that is the case.

But they'll play Johnny Rebel at Denny's.  :)

Anal Cunt, Captain Beefheart, GG Allin, Ministry, with a little Starland Vocal Band mixed in.  You'll love it.

No, thank God.

souse chef   Did she get the Starburns from Starfuckers?

*stares straight ahead stiffly*

That's just what I thought.  In this era of iTunes, Pandora and Spotify, why would anyone want to pay for this service?  Especially that there is better music out there that potential customers are much more comfortable with?

A friend of mine used to work at a truck stop in the late 1980s.  I stopped in to see him one morning as he came to the end of his shift (graveyard).  It had a Muzak system and played 8 different versions of 'Mrs. Robinson'.

That is true.  Listen to the government's shortwave radio broadcasts:  'Come spend your vacation here, Americans.  Beautiful country and things are cheap here.  Bring your money.  We aren't mad at you anymore.'

I'd guess that about 80% of people fall in the 'not politically radical' camp (either right, left or 'center radicals'.)  The unfortunate thing about these radicals is that they don't shut up.