Ronly Bonly Jones

I'd guess that about 80% of people fall in the 'not politically radical' camp (either right, left or 'center radicals'.)  The unfortunate thing about these radicals is that they don't shut up.

What was the old song….'And you're so obsessed, you're really a bore' ?

What was the old song….'And you're so obsessed, you're really a bore' ?

I could be wrong, but I thought I heard some 'Obama was born in Kenya' stuff from him somewhere, which would ostensibly make him a right-wing wacko.  Although a lot of birthers, truthers and their ilk just kinda bleed together now.  I could be wrong, though.

I could be wrong, but I thought I heard some 'Obama was born in Kenya' stuff from him somewhere, which would ostensibly make him a right-wing wacko.  Although a lot of birthers, truthers and their ilk just kinda bleed together now.  I could be wrong, though.

Pretty awesome!  Lemme try:

Tradition, man.

True dat.  There are plenty of insufferable right-wing wackos out there, but there are a growing number of insufferable left-wing wackos also.

True dat.  There are plenty of insufferable right-wing wackos out there, but there are a growing number of insufferable left-wing wackos also.

Oh, yeah.

Use plenty of lube, Rube.

That's a rough smoke.

Oh, yeah!?  Well, I smoked pot with ANTHONY Hopkins!


Sweep the leg, Johnny.

Andy Milonakis!

'And den he said, 'You talkin' to meeeeeeeeeee….'

I oppose teenage pregnancy in ALL of its forms!

Mee-sa think ALL you Jedi are out of order.  HOO_AHHHH!

scortius the charioteer don't take sides against the wig.