Ronly Bonly Jones


Bunghole pumping?

Bunghole pumping?

Snitch-ass middle schoolers, that's shit I DON'T LIKE

It suits 12-year-old girls in taste and temperament.  And kids looooooove to shoplift from there.

I am unaware of any of those.  It would be like a car crash though; I probably couldn't stop listening (or watching).

Sure do, man, it is sweee-EET!  The 'Vette will get 'em wet, but the Ponny will make them honny!  That's what I love about high school girls; I get older but they stay the same age.


That would sound really strange and awkward.  Especially if you have just the audio.

Nah.  I got nothin'.

Coming soon, to the PA system of a Claire's near you…this song.

Very true.  Still doesn't answer the question, though:  the song still sucks.  If the record company wants to release this song off of the album, they would think it's the best off of the entire album.  The Black Eyed Peas is repetitive and has a pretty girl and can at least dance around a bit.  This guy can't rap,

Took a bullet in the head
Thought that I was dead
But I couldn't tell
Because I was a fresh-maaaaaaaan

How about Gym Class Heroes?  Also Nickelback.  I hear that they like money.

With a stop at Vieques island.

Concerned American Yeah, I've gotten that feeling a lot since I've turned 30.

A violation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

Maybe NANCY should run in the bedroom and scream.  That would be a surprise.

Cuz a snitch-ass blogger is shit I DON"T LIKE

What I got out of that was a critique of his own teenage reasoning.   God knows that a lot of us have made judgements like that.