Ronly Bonly Jones

Wow!  That was terrible indeed.  Maybe this will show my geezerhood, but….why is this popular?


Black people doing *this* - mildly irritating
White people doing *this*- unbearable

If you live in a town in the Midwest, Great Plains or South, it his highly possible there is better barbecue within short driving distance of you.  And it won't cost that much more.  Eat that instead.  The McRib is very similar in chemical composition to a yoga mat.

So how did it come to this?  This is the same guy who comes from the family that brought us 'In Living Color' (aka The Show of a Thousand Wayanses), which was really funny.

Here in Kansas City, if you see someone with a McRib sandwich, it is legally permissible to punch them in the face.

This time, he's the lesser of two evils!

Sounds like the only other option was even worse than this guy.

…for this bad case of diahrrea!  Thanks, Carl's Jr!

I am now dumber for having watched that.  The face that Jamie Kennedy was the host was probably my first clue.

I would call her a cunt, but she lacks both the depth and warmth.

That should be the title to Ke$ha's next album.

They could cover the Monty Python Philosophers' Song.

They could cover the Monty Python Philosophers' Song.

Liked for 'Gigoloid'.

Liked for 'Gigoloid'.

Just like a bumper sticker.

Just like a bumper sticker.

Like Kathleen Turner Overdrive?

Like Kathleen Turner Overdrive?