Ronly Bonly Jones

Bus Bakshish.

I think that's it…that some people want to go back to what 'America used to be'.  This isn't actually a place or time that even existed, but to the way they saw the world when they were children.  Forget that in the 1950s, the US and Russians were going to blow each other away at a moment's notice.

You are certainly correct; their comedic timing was not accidental.  On Sunday afternoons, they practiced their routines after dinner in Moe's parlor.  That's right….they had Stooge practice.

Apparently, they were not reprehensible people.  Larry liked to play the ponies compulsively, so he gave his money to Moe to invest for him when he had it.  In later years, he had a callus on one side of his face for being slapped so many times.  At the end of his life, he lived in a condo in LA, and fans walked up

Put that jackhammer down, you knucklehead!

Moe Green, Curly Neal and 'Larry' Olivier.

Hey, they like Jerry Lewis…


The Aristocrats!

But they are all beautiful women.  They just have different ways of conveying that beauty.

It seems that straight men and women find different characteristics attractive in people of their own gender.  They did a survey in the early 1960s, and they asked men and women to name a female celebrity they considered most attractive.  Men overwhelmingly chose Marilyn Monroe.  Women chose Audrey Hepburn.  I think

Gonna paint my wagon, gonna do it fine,

Actually…not terrible at all.  I am pleasantly surprised.  Nice find!

Where nothing points south, and the wife shuts her mouth…

*Ted McGinley walks in*

Didn't she actually have a sketch comedy show on an obscure cable channel just a couple of years ago?  Guess that went into the tank.

*sits on couch*
*turns on TV*
*puts hand down pants*

If they were to break into a fight, it would be totally worth watching.


Locked up with a Married Millionaire When Animals Attack……with Children.