AI and Moulin Rouge were my only disagreements (of the films I've seen). I loathed Moulin Rouge with every fiber of my being.
AI and Moulin Rouge were my only disagreements (of the films I've seen). I loathed Moulin Rouge with every fiber of my being.
No cautious optimism here, I see!
Those people are wrong about FlashForward.
My name is Be Bo Ba, and I haven't seen an episode of Heroes in 13 months.
OK, I'll submit myself to some flagellation. I also liked Daybreak, and I appreciated that it wasn't a show to talk down to its audience (*cough* Flash Forward! *cough). If you paid attention, you got something out of it. If you didn't you were fucked.
Tom's got my back.
I mostly agree with the OP. The ghost scene for me was laughable. These people know they're going to die in the next 6 months, so they… sign up to be tortured (like the dude getting electrocuted) and play Russian roulette? Shit, if you're trying to kill yourself, why not go out with a bang, instead of in a warehouse?
I doubt anyone's reading this far, but…
One of my least favorite kinds of 30 Rock jokes seems to have sprung up in Season 3, and they're using it more and more often:
One of Pete's best-ever lines came from late Season 3: "Liz Lemon, you dumb bitch."
As someone who hasn't watched this show in 1.5 seasons, I think it's (almost) insulting to people who used to like the show that they're so desperate for ideas as to go back in time (literally and figuratively) to retcon the past. The original 2006 episode with Charlie was pretty great, and it was a nice way to…
He may be overpaying.
But seriously, that was gold.
Very valid question. I haven't seen the show since about episode 5 last year, and I really can't believe that it still exists.
Agreed. Just terrible. "We have too many volunteers"?!?!?!?!?! The city of Los Fucking Angeles doesn't need more people helping clean up after a disaster of epic fucking proportions? Who writes this shit and why am I still watching?
Monaghan's line of dialogue was quite possibly the worst line I've ever heard in a modern TV show. I laughed harder at that than anything else in the show so far.
Horses and Heineken.
It may have been the producers' influence to keep the :villain" around longer, or it may have been funky editing to make Ash's dish look less-bad. Or maybe the judges said that while the other two failed spectacularly, Ash said he was going to make "his food," and his food turned out to be completely boring. If that's…
I've got Gloria!
You're just pissing on Tinky's legacy. Pissing all over it.
Did anyone else feel like they completely gave away the winner at the beginning of the final episode? At the end of their "tonight on HK" montage, they showed Dave weeping and saying something about how in shock he was. Either he was devastated because something went absolutely horribly wrong, or he won the show.…