be bo ba

Yeah, that and the Homeland Security conflict of interest mentioned below are a level of silliness that I hoped this show wouldn't go in for.

Oddly enough, I was watching the Futurama "Slurm" episode right before this came on. At least the cartoon slugs are less deadly than the CGI slugs. Eww.

Many Nucks and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day, I'll tell you!

Mmm… soda "with a hint of tang."

Yeah, that was such an odd choice to make. Why plant a dirty agent if you're gonna make him LOOK dirty?

It's so watery - and yet, there's a smack of ham to it…

I thought the quick cut of the montage was just perfect.

Oh well
Steve Jones' show ("Jonesy's Jukebox") was pretty stellar. And their Saturday night "Camp Freddy Radio". Other than that, meh.

I would happily watch either "Dog Wig" or the other one. Maybe even "Man-Chop", too.

Nonono, you gotta look THROUGH the picture, man! Relax your EYES!

I don't think this word means what you think it means
In your second-last sentence you use the word "funny" four times. I'm sure I won't be the first to disagree with you there.

Oh my god, there's no grade!!!
How will I know how little I want to see this movie?

Shit, was it Vromans? I would have slept in the parking lot if I ever thought I had a chance of running into him there.

That'll do, Pig.

This puts me in mind of my favorite Soup moment from a couple years ago:

I was hope-hope-hoping he was really bad, but deep down I knew he wouldn't be. They wouldn't go to all the trouble to bring back a fan favorite like Tony only to make him totally evil. I just didn't think it would come so quickly (that's what she said?).

Slow down, guys! So many notes to take!

Wow, that's much more forward-thinking than I ever would have imagined from the writers of 24.

If you really enjoyed season 1, I would recommend Netflixing season 5. I think it was the best by far of the whole show. And I think this season has a lot of promise, if they don't get too heavy-handed with the "was Jack right or wrong" discussion.