
Monarch, is that you?!

But has Baskin been Robbin' ideas from other, better movies?

But the Cylons… Were so bright and shiny, with the scanning eye!

Anybody else think this production is barely treading water? Was the studio out to sea when they greenlighted this thing? Ugh, the whole thing gives me a haddock…

Bruce: "Hey Tommy, could you help me with my book report? You really seem to know your literature."
Tommy: "Not now Bruce, I'm reading…"
Bruce: "Wow, Tommy, you truly are some kind of Book Worm, aren't you?!"

Yes! This indeed… But it lacked the Lucious Fox/Morgan Freeman narration…

This… This has been bothering me for a while.. Glad somebody finally mentioned it…

Perhaps there can be… 2?

So, it's set before Episode IV — does that mean that all the Jedi we see here are basically gonna be toast? Or do they just go into deep deep hiding…

Ok, so bring on "sexy Boba Fett"… And may she gyrate to the sweet sweet sounds of Max Reebo, or Figran Dan and Modal Nodes for many Parsecs!

But that would be too weird, as he'd actually be a giant turtle!  (btw, Gamera is Japanese for giant turtle)…

"You almost drowned me, drowned both of us!!  You're tearing me apart, DEBORAH!!!"

"Ah what a boring day…  No evil megalomaniacs to fight, all upgrades completed… So the the Avengers should contact me at any moment, um right?  Cuz the Earth could use some saving right about now, no?  Ok Mr. Fury, contact me, I'm BORED!"

"Well, it's not the 'Iron Throne', but it'll do…  And oh yeah King Joffrey, I'm coming for you… Next!"

Having recently learned about Pepper Pot's long STD history, Tony waits for his date with "total protection mode" enabled…

"You're very lucky, Soo-lin… In this game of 'Blind Craps' you've rolled the ultimate combination — Snake Eyes!"

He's so horrible — he should sing about it!

Pictured:  The EXACT best time to finally cut the apron strings…

Pictured:  The EXACT best time to finally cut the apron strings…

Your Honor… I second that motion!