Doctor Conquester

1) Deacon Blues
2) Kid Charlemagne
3) Haitian Divorce
4) FM
5) Big Black Cow
6) My Old School
7) Dr. Wu

It's one thing to get goofy with the reads like the MBMBaM guys, or manic like Scott Aukerman with Stamps.com, but Norm showed outright contempt for his sponsors, and that rubbed me the wrong way.

Mister, Butler, Urgh, and others…please allow me to mediate, as someone who also disliked the new season (though not as intensely as spinach here, and I'm starting to come around).

Immaculate plotting and symmetry don't make an episode enjoyable to watch. I'm starting to come around on the season as a whole, but "Double Crossers", "Indian Takers" and "Borderline Personalities" are all pretty dire, regardless of how tight the storytelling is or how much they serve the overarching plot.

I'm trying to be less negative, and I'll always love the Brothers, but I can't agree. Using their own high standards for excellence in comedy, these last few months haven't measured up, and this week was absolutely their worst live show.

It was WAY worse last year. He was gettin' into his summah schtick in early May. I haven't heard much about it this year, comparatively. And the show's been really good lately!

I hate the F&P episodes.

The jokes segment might be my favorite part of any current podcast.

Isn't Mike Hanford a UCB guy? At any rate, I loved the bit.

Anyone else read this in Paul F. Tompkins-as-Werner Herzog's voice?

I wonder what the over/under is for most people between when they read the newswire and figure out that it's a joke and not a typo. For me, about 4 seconds, shamefully.

Interesting that people don't seem to care. For me, the whole thing is undermined because I just can't bring myself to believe that Mitch's vision was to gut what made the show great - the chemistry - so it feels…corrupted…I guess. I'm glad we got more Arrested Development, but at the same time I feel a little

I see stuff like "highly commendable" and "better than what could reasonably be expected" WAY more often than I see "just plain good" or the like. Admittedly, it is a remarkable achievement to do what he did, but I don't think that that alone adds anything to the finished product.

Yeah, why the hell did they even need to do that? They couldn't afford to build a real mud hut in the desert?

How much does original vision matter to you guys? I'm interested to see what people think. I want to know how much of Season 4 is Mitch Hurwitz's original vision for what he wanted it to be vs. what he had to do to make it happen.

Yeah, I probably need to chill out about this and stop being so negative.

At the end of the day, I'm glad we got more, and there were some legitimate laughs, but we were so close to getting the real thing, and that one little problem of scheduling corrupted the whole thing.

That's the worst part! The actors were all game, but the scheduling restrictions really gutted what was great about the show - the chemistry. They were so close to getting it right…but they couldn't all be in the same place at the same time, and I don't think Mitch Hurwitz told the story he really wanted to.

Probably a bit aggressive and condescending earlier, but I have this nagging suspicion that people around here are having a hard time saying that they just plain didn't like it, and it's driving me nuts.

Maybe it's because deep-down inside, he knew what he was watching paled in comparison to the original, but saying so would get him crucified by the people around here who refused to be wrong about setting their expectations so high. It's okay to be wrong, folks. It's okay to be disappointed.