
I've heard that story, too.  I don't believe it for a second.  Scott was an accomplished actor.  He was there, on set, acting while the camera was rolling.  He had to know what the picture was.

What now?  An elvish love story involving Legolas is in here?  Jeez, Peter Jackson.  Just because you had the camera and a hundred million dollars laying around… .

Jesse is Alaska bound.  Where he will meet up with some incompetent gold prospectors.  Fusion!

You know, AVClub, there are conservatives who like this site.  I suppose your editorial judgement on us is, "Meh.  Hell with them."  But we don't have to visit you.  Your mind-numbingly consistent left wing stance on everything is so… tiresome. Dennis Miller is the "radical right's personal court jester"?  And you

You know, A.V. Club, there are conservatives who read this site.  And I guess that your editorial consensus about our reaction to your intense and consistent left wing stance is. "Meh, screw 'em.  They don't matter."  Keep it up.  We don't have to visit your site.  Good luck with the ad revenue when that happens.  The

Wow.  A young woman is dead, and it's it's funny to so many of you.  Yup: you are despicable.