
If any of his children were going to screw Trump over, I would have thought it'd be his sex tape with Ivanka*.

The man is delusional. It doesn't matter what anyone else does, he'll tweet that it's proof of him being right.

Let's see what happens tomorrow. If Mitch doesn't have anything to send to the CBO he'll lose at least 1.5 weeks, and there's not that much time left to go. The budget fight is creeping ever closer, and August recess is right around the corner.

Information that they plan to make public. Because handing out the last part of tens of millions of people SSNs can't possibly go wrong.

I saw the most fascinating thing today. I saw people making comments resembling "this is how far the GOP has fallen", and the responses were absurd. There were variations on the same comment everywhere. It started off with "Not all the GOP, I voted for Cruz in the primary", and was always followed by "and only voted

If someone was really coming to take away all the guns, surely they would start with the people who have the most. Buying more just moves them up the secret government's priority list.

Gross incompetence?

Have we decided whose side we're on yet?


It says a lot that I'm only about 90% sure you're joking.

Agreed. Just trying to be a bit optimistic here.

True, but saying "I can't let millions of people be kicked off healthcare" then voting to do exactly that (and, more importantly, it happening before the election) almost certainly won't turn out well for them.

A grifter who's nonprofits are now under investigation for their actions. Oops.

The thing is, Collins and Heller have both made public statements that are very, very clearly against the bill's core goals. No possible Band-Aid Mitch could come up with can change those problems, and those statements are going to make spectacular attack ads if they turn around and vote for it. Not saying they won't

Wow, what an entirely predictable turn of events. My heart bleeds for that poor little lamb.

"Let's build a giant statue of the thing that essentially tells us to not do exactly that" is something so obviously divorced from the actual Bible it's almost funny.

In a show of somehow-no-longer-even-slightly-surprising incompetence, Trump tweeted out a graph of Medicaid spending to "prove" the bill didn't cut anything. Now, let's ignore the fact that it's complete and utter bullshit (because there's no way Donald is possibly smart enough to understand that) and focus on the

Anyone see the recently released NRA ad? It sounds like the paranoid ravings of a fucking lunatic. It's seriously like a cult trying to convince their members everyone else in the world is out to get them.

I'm sure Congress will get right on that. We all know how much they respect and value Donald's opinions and priorities.

I'm not that worried. If there is a "surprise", it seems highly unlikely that anyone would fill Lil Donnie in on it. Some part of him realizes how unpopular this is, and he's trying to compensate for that.