Not sure how accurate it is, but I read somewhere that a new CBO score could take up to 2 weeks. If true, it gives Yurtle very little leeway and provides a good amount of time for pressure to increase.
Not sure how accurate it is, but I read somewhere that a new CBO score could take up to 2 weeks. If true, it gives Yurtle very little leeway and provides a good amount of time for pressure to increase.
See? You're a fucking idiot.
The "fuck you" option. The right has an incredibly successful propaganda machine and exactly one tactic.Smearing people and ideas is really all they're good at, but they are very, very good at it. Put whoever you want in there, they'll be vilified just as much.
What the fuck happened to John McCain? The man has absolutely nothing to lose (he's gonna be 86 before he's done, is he really going to run again?) and he still won't make any kind of stand. It's gone well beyond pathetic at this point.
It will, in that it will never get built because Mexico or Congress will never fucking pay for it.
This is what happens when you have a weak, idiotic coward of a president. US has a vested interest in stopping this, and what are we doing? Fuck all.
I'm not really optimist about our chances here. Mitch is no Paul Ryan, The Turtle is very, very good at his job (destroying the legislative process and permanently damaging our democracy, obviously). If he brought up this bill, it's because he fully expects it to pass.
Hint: It's the entire writing staff. Forget Savage, they're the real villains of the story.
Trump's "solar wall" idea is so very pathetic. It's such a blatant attempt to get liberals on board (because they love solar energy!), and the worst part is how very proud of himself for "coming up with it"(Read:stealing from some other idiot on his staff). It's incredible how they can somehow constantly manage to get…
If Trump says the tapes don't exist, there's like a 75% likelihood they do. So Comey shouldn't let this news bother him much.
I'm not calling you fake news, I'm calling you a fucking idiot. Because you're taking a fact, adding baseless conjecture that you desperately want to be true, and pretending that's somehow a reasonable argument. It's just as deluded as a Trump supporter.
Well, at least you recognize that you're just making shit up. That's something, at least.
How is "show a shred of proof you haven't completely pulled out of your ass" a stupid stance, exactly?
Which is why she's too scared to visit the US, because she's afraid of how she'll be treated there.
And? Is there any proof those nonvoters would have come out in significant numbers if Bernie had run? (Hint: no). Is there any proof that any voters who had come out would offset the amount of Clinton voters who wouldn't vote for Bernie? (Hint: no). Until you prove both, you're just using hard numbers to try and…
Maybe you're right. I think I just find the "Rosenstein is corruptible" explanation better because it means that there's at least one person in the administration who knows what the fuck they're doing.
That's not entirely fair. It's also being done because they spent 7 years convincing their voters that ACA was responsible for everything bad in healthcare, and now if they don't repeal it they're screwed.
I keep imagining commercials with shadowy figures of Trump and GOP laughing as they take money from hospitals and retirement homes at gunpoint.
Trumps speaks like he's in 1st grade. Presumably next he'll insist AHCA cover cooties.
That seems overtly generous towards Rosenstein. He's a man who is (was?) widely respected as competent and intelligent. There's no way he didn't know what that memo was going to be used to do.