
He's a fucking idiot.


He has no clue what's in the agreement. He doesn't know how good this was for the US.

He did, but only because all he thought it would entail is calling someone to his office and telling them to do it. Now that he sees how it's going to take work, he'll pretend he never cares.

Until Donnie gets upset that Spicer has stopped defending his insane ramblings and forces Spicer to completely ignore that directive. What's Spicer gonna do? Say no? Quit? Either would require an ounce of courage, morals, or principles. The GOP has been sucked dry of those for years.

History trends upward. 10 years ago gay marriage across the entire US was seen as a pipe dream. 15 years ago the thought that a black president would be the next one wouldn't have been given the time of day.

That's the problem once you've established yourself as the propaganda wing of a political party: when the party falters so do you. Add that to their audience (and, to be fair, the general cable news audience) literally dying out and it's not a good forecast for them.

"Donnie attempting travel ban for the x time" is gonna be a recurring story for the rest of his term.

I know everyone here is worried, but guys it's gonna be fine: Javanka is reportedly taking this loss in stride. This was never really important to them anyway, and they're already moving on to use their extensive influence to help moderate Trump. Because they're moderates. And likeable. And socially acceptable to hang

I'd hate to break it to him, but the only terrorist attacks that are going to happen in Iowa are from crazed white right wing gun nuts.

Like most of those people, I'm sure he's only low-key crazy in person but turns batshit crazy foaming at the mouth lunatic online where he can hide from the consequences.

He was also going to announce the FBI director over a week ago, so expect the announcement in a couple of months at soonest.

Lying on your security form is a major federal offense. So it's not a smoking Russia gun but Jared just got caught on video shooting himself in the foot. Of course, we now live in a country where half the population doesn't give a shit if you blatantly commit crimes as long as you're a Republican (looking at you,

Yep. Refusing to use a product=murdering people. Completely the same. No differences there. Certainly not an insulting, hysterical, and laughably absurd comparison.

Because he's an incompetent moron.

Then why is he constantly failing? The only thing Trump has succeeded at is repeatedly embarrassing himself.

Everything about him, really.

"O'Reilly desperately seeks attention after realizing his average viewer was too old and/or stupid to know how podcasts work"


Just a reminder: there's still 3.75* years left on his term.