
The actions of a man who just realized he lost his job.

Because voting doesn't distinguish between levels of information either. An ignorant person is equally as influential as an informed person.

Nobody demands a surgeon who didn't go to med school or a pilot who doesn't know how to fly a plane, but when it comes to governing "he has no idea what the fuck he's doing" is somehow a good thing.

Brooks (and people who think like him) can all go fuck themselves. I, and many many other people, was born with a major pre-existing condition. I'd love for him to explain to me how I had a "moral failing" before I'd even taken a fucking breath by myself.

That's good. The longer this goes on, the less chance it has of passing. It'll also tie up attention which will slow down the rest of their horrible agenda, and lil Donnie is too impatient to not repeatedly whine about this.

You're an idiot.

Do you think anyone has explained to Trump that this didn't pass the bill yet and they still have to go through the Senate?

They don't care about people, but they absolutely care about power. Their actions during passing this have the potential to shatter that power, and most of them are completely unnecessary.

Maybe. It's possible I'm being too optimistic. I'm basing this off the assumption that most of their base isn't incredibly evil, just incredibly stupid. Or that the non-voting portion of our country gets off its ass. Both of which could be completely wrong.

Yes, but this bill is going to negatively affect them. The only thing most Republicans want more than kicking minorities off any kind of government aid is keeping their own. Touching it makes them very angry, and these are the perfect images to direct their fury.

I'm not sure this is going to go as well for the GOP as they seem to think. At this point, most of their policies are as anti-Christian as they could possibly be.

What the fuck is the GOP thinking?

A) You're misusing gas lighting, please stop using words incorrectly

No, it isn't. You only think so because you're completely ignorant of the phrase having multiple meanings. Which has already been explained to you several times, so how you're still not understanding it is beyond me.

Got any statistics to back that up? Because *none* of the gay people I've talked to have had a problem with it, and "most" gay people here don't seem to give a shit.

Well if that's how YOU'VE always known it, clearly it must be both the origin of the phrase and the only acceptable use.

This. The two really key rules in memory reasearch are

A much better plot would have been Future Barry never bothering to hide his identity. He just shows up the first time and everybody knows who he is. Instead of a stupid identity mystery, draw tension from growing mistrust of present Barry and if Savitar is inevitable, or actually trying to prevent something worse, or

Since I didn't even address his accusations, why you expected me to invalidate them is beyond me. I simply pointed out a particularly baffling pattern of a group of people determined to humiliate themselves anytime anyone even slightly criticizes them.

Have you ever noticed how every time someone tries to defend those people it's always significantly more insulting than the original criticism? "They didn't vote after carefully considering their best interests, they made their choices because the mean Clinton voters hurt their widdle feelings" is a more damning