
Okay…? Not sure why you think having a job excuses a complete ignorance about the people running the country.

Considering the former head of Breitbart is now one of the most powerful men in the country, and it's now one of the few news sources that the president completely trusts and will instantly regurgitate anything he reads there, bragging about being ignorant of it is the same as bragging about not being able to find


Because he's a spineless, principleless coward?

Considering Colbert's long career of never engaging in politics, I can see why you think the only possible reason for him to be political is outside pressure.

Has he tried being funny yet? That might work.

Since I haven't been having a conversation with you at all, clearly it's a completely accurate statement.

Anyone who thinks Russia would have gone to war with us over a fucking no fly zone is a massive fucking idiot.

The ultimate goal of gerrymandering is to have the least possible amount of reliable republican voters to guarantee a win in the election. Because there's less of them than democrats, so they need to be spread out as much as possible.

That mentality exists because that's exactly how the presidential elections here work. That's how a binary choice works: either you pick one or you pick the other. Or you could throw a fit and pick neither but that's functionally identical to supporting the winner.

Hillary lost by what, less than 100 thousand votes across those states. In the around 50% of the country that didn't bother to vote(plus Stein and Johnson voters) there weren't 100k Bernie supporters spread across those states? That's pretty hard to believe.

Name any characteristic or behavior that is shared across a hundred species that isn't useful to survival.

Then maybe they should vote in elections? I'm a progressive who probably agrees with them on 99% of issues, and honestly I'm getting more and more annoyed at them every time they open their fucking mouths on a issue. No, the DNC didn't pick their candidate. And they shouldn't have. They should pick whoever they want,

Wow. You're even more pathetic than I thought.

You're a fucking idiot.

There is absolutely nothing in the constitution that, even if interpreted in an absurdly broad way, could relate to this.

We could look at the hobby lobby case. Not sure why we would, since refusing to pay for a specific thing and refusing to sell to certain groups of people aren't even slightly the same thing, but if you want to sure.

Civil rights leaders would disagree with you. The government has had the ability to do that for decades. Our current president lost in court for doing that. If it's too much power, surely you can provide numerous examples of the government abusing it since it's been so long.

Then cry about it to the fucking dictionary, because "I don't serve gay people" is a perfect fit for discrimination.

Exactly which part is hyperbolic? That republicans control a vast majority of the government? Because that's pretty basic fact. A cursory look at their sexual predator president, homophobic VP, or a glance trough their official party platform shows exactly where they stand on women, gay people, and minorities.