Barack Obama?
Barack Obama?
This is the right choice, but I wanted to send some love to Silverado, silly as it is. My teenage self loved that movie
Make it like that Bob Dylan movie where they have a different actor per scene
Finally got around to watching this show. No love for Adam Baldwin in the jacket from "My Bodyguard"?
Finally got around to watching this show. No love for Adam Baldwin in the jacket from "My Bodyguard"?
Very good in Blow Dry, which sucked, and in Quigley Down Under
Some people love Ringo
Or, he could just run it under the tap
Anyone else questioning the camera angles in the last scene? Like we were supposed to think someone was watching the marshals' conversation and hearing the news of Duffy the tanned rat?
Highlander and Flash Gordon at least have Freddy Mercury singing
I watched "Streets of Fire" last month just to hear 'Deeper and Deeper' over the end credits, still like that song for some reason, though it is far from their best effort
Kinda partial to George Benson's "Gimme the Night"