Ookla the Mok

Very guilty admission: Marmaduke made me chuckle once.

It's my favorite book. I never understood why it's considered so difficult. To me after getting past the girl turning into a tree it's very readable. Believe me, a lot of pomo stuff pisses the shit out of me, but Delany's characters are so fleshed out (pun not intended) and interesting and the plot, as weird as it…

I'm not going to stop watching it, but I did keep thinking about this phrase about a shark or something…

Is there a precarious warmth-retaining orgy involved? If so, I'm in.

Thanks! I will watch it. Then I'll probably sell the dvd.

I got the American Funny Games for xmas. I loved Seventh Continent, so I can obviously handle the disturbing stuff. But I'm hesitating to watch something that's purely provocation. Anyone want to convince me I should? From the description I'm having trouble distinguishing it from straightforward torture-porn.