eddie adams

Rik Smits

Hey, anybody want a Mooney Suzuki t-shirt? It was, uh, given…to me. Back when they were…good, I guess? 5 bucks, it's yours. No?

HA HA. You're an idiot. Read his books and assorted essays. And remember, in the case of The Wire, he knows of which he speaks. Which is to say, he is SO good of a writer that he can write in the voices of many different people (cops, lawyers, street kids, politicians, academics), and still sound authentic to

I've gotten a lot of mileage out of both those lines. I use it as some sort of rorschach test for people. If you get it, I like you.

I like Slippery Pete more when he's stuffing Buscemi down a woodchipper. But he's good here, too.

Joel Rifkin, not the serial killer

Watching the Inside Looks, Alexander doesn't come off so well. A bit…above it all.

Jesus, how is Cornell still alive? Forgot about his death wish in too many songs to name. Just re-watched "Burden In My Hand" video: Hilarious. Thayil walking in the desert is never not funny. Is Cameron in the band, too? I always dug his drumming, kind of the Dale Crover school. That said, I have zero interest in


Yes to Spiritualized. I'm a sucker for his grimy/beautiful songs. I can never get enough reverb.

He's THE WIZ! And NO ONE beats him! hmm hmm hmmm

I didn't go to the Monterey show, can't recall where it would have been. Only reason he went is because Huff mentioned him in a KPIG interview that morning. At that point, his hand was forced. As for live music, at least you got the Jazz Fest. I'm from Salinas, which is, like…hell.

BULLSHIT. Better guitar player, better singer. FACT. Because Boon didn't have a chance to "fall from grace" should in no way be used against him. The Spot productions sucked, but whatever, it was punk rock in the early 80s.  I'm glad fIREHOSE existed if for no other reason than to give Watt and Hurley the chance to

What? You didn't like the drug-fueled craziness of Quarles? The man's a BEAST! Shotgunning, Oxy, coke…holy shit, I was laughing my ass off, mostly at the point where Johnny says, "He's snorting something up his nose." Quarles=comedy.

Fine Fine, get rid of the drummer and…whatever Lethal does. But if you sack Wes, I'm done. DONE! (Shit, is he still in this shitty band?)

While at a Southern Culture on the Skids show in Santa Cruz in 2000(?), my brother tapped my shoulder and said, "Hey, it's Ed from fIREHOSE." He was selling their mersh. The next night in Monterey, said brother got to third base with Southern Culture bass player Mary Huff, but that's a story for another day. Let me

You need the bass system. Haven't heard "Signs of Infinite Power", got off the boat around "King of the Road." Saw them In January In Portland while celebrating my brothers 40th bday, where the played "In Seach Of…", it was awesome. They're a band I've always made fun of because Hill's lyrics are soooo stoopid. But


But is this better than Black Flag, Keys, Breath, Oak Arkansas, Grape, Sabbath, Angels, ETC?!

It's the riffiest thing you'll hear all year. Unless Fu Manchu releases a new one.