
Yeah. I definitely want more too. But I understand why they haven't. Gamers are quick to grab their pitchforks.

I don't think they've messed up Half Life. They just realize if they release the perfect game it won't be good enough. People are used to Half Life games revolutionizing and that's difficult if not impossible for an FPS to do nowadays.

Do you guys even read reviews? Because you all sound like I would if I was trying to critique menstruating in Ancient Egypt.

Way bullshit. You are all in effect saying "UGH this only entertained me for 80 straight hours and made a narrative choice I don't agree with so I am damning the whole project". Gamers are starting to look awful.

This interview did come off as very reactionary. I hate artists who try to claim that everyone else is moving backwards and they are the one who is pushing the limits. Ok DJ Shadow I'm sure that's why your album wasn't well received.

For FlyLo you just gotta get past the first couple of tracks on his newest album. On Cosmogramma just skip ahead to …and the world laughs with you and take special note of Mmmhmm to Satelllllliiiiite. Seriously like the greatest three songs ever right in a row.