
Just like Indiana! Except with the gays.

That whole opening sequence was stupid. Louie often does nifty progressive bits that are like "oh yeah, good point", but really, she should have just opened the cabinet and sold him the pots.

I was really really against Harry Potter until I was 8 or 9 or so, because my aunt bought me the first two books for Christmas and I had to give them a go. Yeah. Got like one page in and changed my position completely. Fucking badass books.

Forgive me master!

That's actually a good point. I frequently amuse myself by mumbling in a South African accent. Sometimes I even go Scottish. Perhaps even Minnesotan if I'm feeling saucy. But I can't say I would feel comfortable doing an Asian accent. I guess that's hypocritical (..?)

probably because they can?

yaaaaay!! my two degrees were finally worth it.

what if instead of him training them to be docile…. they have trained him to be a velociraptor?

I think it would be kind of cool if they are sort of trained, but might turn against him at any minute. It would be ridiculous for him to have a little loyal raptor army, but maybe kind of cool if they are essentially a very unreliable weapon for him.

Sure, but 34 million streams should probably entitle you to more than 1700 quid.

I personally wouldn't be able to spend much time around her, but I like her as a character. She's really got as much of an insecurity problem as Louie does.

It's a show vs tell thing. If you write something like "'I love you,' he whispered threateningly." then you're obviously trying to go for something tense and creepy. You want the reader to feel the threat. But if you just say he does it "threateningly" (which is a clumsy word in itself) then the reader can't really

This film is particularly scary to me because the bloke who plays John Bunting lives near me in Melbourne and I've seen him at Coles and the local pool a few times.

I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt

Amazing how all of a sudden everyone knows better than the creators of a TV show they all loved two weeks ago…

Oh boy! A carnival!

Just post anyway. People always make the same jokes in these threads.

I disagree about Bill Murray. I met plenty of people like him at Uni.

High above Russia, a billionaire mogul launches a series of satellites that reflect the sun, sending its rays down

For hometown pop culture that makes me sad… Rolf Harris