BMX Bandit

Yeah finding out they kept their passwords in a folder called "Passwords" was hilarious and depressing.

He's on to me! *Wheelies out of room

Well they are inside a neon representation of Sonys file system that looks like a medieval library. Or at least their minds are

I thought for a minute, ah they are going to trick them into going to a website that has a virus! But what's the point of that if you've already bypassed the firewall and you're inside the mainframe?

Man way to just generalize about a whole generation. As someone who is on the cusp of the ill defined "millennials" age range I'd say I'm really not sure what you're talking about. Plenty of people my age and younger grew up listening to older music, seeking it out etc. And guess what? lots still do and are doing it

I would pay double to see that movie

Oh for sure it could get someone in a lot of trouble. If it was evidence of continued harassment etc. Glad I could provide some laughs, I had a hard time not laughing at the picture myself when I finally saw it.

She was on and off needy yes, and I know she has self esteem issues so I think your analysis is probably right and she probably was hoping for some reassurance that I don't think that about her. (I don't, but I think she's got some other things to work out)

How did you know I smell like patchouli oil!?

Ok I've got a story with a question attached. An ex of mine with whom things ending badly about a year ago contacted me last week and left me a voicemail claiming that I'd sent her a postcard with a dirty picture drawn on it. Which obviously I did not do because a.) I don't remember her address and b.) I can't draw

That was actually well worth my time.

Oh good I'm not the only one! The second season of Little Britain was just awfully. Catch phrases and racist stereotypes awful

I walk on Waterfront Park every day at lunch and the contrast between the homeless guys actively chopping down stolen bikes under the Burnside or Morrison, to the people talking apps trying to pretend they didn't see any thing going on is amazing

It's hedgehogs now. Get with the program people!

Or walk through a smoked filled building, throw a guy off a balcony and then fade back into the smoke? Because I want to do that DAILY

Hopefully they didn't pull too many people past their event horizon during that conversation

Really? Jeez. People, what a buncha bastards.

So just like talking to Comcast on the phone. Got it.

Oh man I got here too late! All I see is a wave of deleted comments. It's like listening to one side of a phone conversation when your friend is fighting with Comcast

10 Reasons Jack White's rant at Fenway last night will change the way you think about music FOREVER