
this sounds like an excellent subject for a Christopher Guest movie

The absolute worst example in recent memory is Hannah Ware on Boss. It didn't help that her character was written to be so unlikable, but to have a British actress fail to maintain even a veneer of an American accent (let alone a Chicago/midwestern accent, which nobody did on that show) made me cringe every time she

Top clue this special was made in 1988: Oprah wasn't big enough to get an invite to it … and could only get a "MAYBE" for next year.

Top clue this special was made in 1988: Oprah wasn't big enough to get an invite to it … and could only get a "MAYBE" for next year.

Great lineup! Wasn't there an Ed Grimley episode where he went to an deserted island only to find Amelia Earhart who sounded suspiciously like Martin Short doing his Katherine Hepburn impression? The shit that sticks in your brain …

Great lineup! Wasn't there an Ed Grimley episode where he went to an deserted island only to find Amelia Earhart who sounded suspiciously like Martin Short doing his Katherine Hepburn impression? The shit that sticks in your brain …

Sofa King: Awesome

Sofa King: Awesome

Best non-TaMMie line of the night!

Best non-TaMMie line of the night!