Yeah, subplots should totally be throwaway like that, just some little absurd nugget of an idea that gets explored in a few scenes. This was definitely a great one.
Yeah, subplots should totally be throwaway like that, just some little absurd nugget of an idea that gets explored in a few scenes. This was definitely a great one.
Yep, it's because certain reviewers here are die-hard fanboys/girls of the shows they review, and Bobs Burgers reviewer is one of them. It's no coincidence she wrote the year end "best of" article last year for Bobs Burgers, claiming it was her favorite show on television.
Yeah, I've heard July as well but I'm thinking that's a little too early and that September sounds more likely. But all I know is if TBS airs AD like they do their other programs then we should get most of the season aired with very little breaks in between episodes, if any at all. It's definitely one positive about…
Believe it or not, these episodes aren't really that old anymore as far as when they were made. The showrunners interview from 2012 indicated they were in the process of developing the season currently airing, and that was from september '12, so these episodes are all from later 2012 into 2013. Also the TBS season…
Sad to think that "Steal This Episode" is considered the best of the season. I fucking loathed that episode.
I honestly think modern Simpsons is worse than modern Family Guy. Modern Simpsons bores me so much I can't really watch it, and it seems like most the time they don't even attempt to have jokes. Family Guy can be painful to sit through, sure, but at least there's actual jokes. And not to say FG can't be dull too, but…
That was probably my favorite Stan bit of the night. Such a perfect character moment for him…gotta love how after all of these years the writers still tell great little random jokes like that one that are so throwaway yet perfectly in character.
I'm pretty sure Mike Barker (co-creator of American Dad) went to Arizona State. AD has always had weird Arizona jokes, like the bit in "Spring Break-up" where Roger explains where he got "The Tunnel Of Booze";
The molestation joke was subtle? Which one, Stewie getting molested by some guy or the newspaper with the cover title "LOCAL BOY GETS MOLESTED". Yeahhh, real subtle.
I love how they very slightly undercut Stans breakdown with him telling Hayley "you're just saying that because you're stupid". It doesn't diminish what came before it but it's such a perfect Stan line to let us know he hasn't gone completely soft on us.
"I've had my own issues with substance abuse, and the cash I make from this gig helps me to continue to have them."
The white dove totally made that scene, especially how Francine had to duck out of its way.
Agreed, this was one of the best episodes of the season and one of the best Stan/Hayley episodes in many years. The jokes were fan-fucking-tastic and the emotional beats the episode hit with Stan in rehab honestly shocked me. It was arguably the most emotional moment in the shows history and it felt completely earned…
Oh man, don't say that. I was actually somewhat looking forward to this, which is incredibly rare for a modern Simpsons episode.
Damn @mbs, you're commitment to these generic network sitcoms is impressive, seems like you make time to watch the lot of em. I gotta admit, sometimes you make them sound interesting enough to wanna check out (like "The Neighbors"), but at the same time I don't know how you do it with all of the other good stuff on tv.
He's given the vast majority of episodes this season B-range grades. Mostly B-minuses, but still, B-range.
It's nice to see Green getting away from shit like "Your Highness" and back to making respectable movies. I mean, yeah, "Pineapple Express" was enjoyable and a nice change of pace and all but it didn't mean he had to continue down that path, or at least if he did, not with such poor results. Hopefully this one is…
That is…actually really fucking cool. He looks genuinely stoked in that picture. Awesome.
Shit, at least you guys have been to the playoffs recently. The Bills haven't been once this century (well, technically they played one in 2000, but it's considered the 1999 season).