
I know others have stated it, but consider the Bills never once played Joe Montana in a Super Bowl that's kind of a baffling thing to say.

As a Bills fan, that pisses me off. If it was about the Bills I actually might have considered seeing it, but now? Not a snowballs chance in hell.

Nope, not buying it. I love the first three seasons, I still will gladly watch a rerun of any of those episodes. How is it that when I see a season 4 episode I immediately know there's a drastic difference in the quality of writing? The show lost me as a loyal fan towards the end of season 4, and that would not have

That's true, but season 5 is probably the best season without a bad episode in the bunch. In fact, minus one or two episodes, every single one is straight-up great.

It was actually quite great at one point. The first three seasons still hold up remarkably well.

Uh, this episode was fucking boring as shit and completely unfunny. It sucked, basically. It did get two solid laughs out of me, one being the Bryan Cranston cutaway, and the second being Peters recollections of his time in the booth, culminating in the "Obama has just been elected President"…"oh my god, no!" gag.

Not to be that guy, but Gene is easily my least favorite Bobs character and I tend to cringe out how obnoxious he is. If this character is a poor mans Gene then I can't even imagine how awful he was.

Noooo way. At least those seasons attempted humor. The show has seriously forgotten it's a comedy. Plus it was wacky as well but at least that could lead to some mildly entertaining episodes. It's just flat-out boring now.

I honestly find modern Simpsons to be worse than modern Family Guy. Family Guy at least attempts to have jokes…The Simpsons is just a fucking bore through and through.

If they're gonna kill the mother I'd honestly rather prefer Ted end up with Robin. At least then Mosby still gets the happy ending he deserves after all of these years, instead of just leaving him with no love in his life whatsoever at the end of the story.

Man, I always liiked Ted and his corniness. I'm surprised so many people hate him.

Barney is way more cartoony if you ask me. He's literally become a walking cartoon in some episodes, like when you see all of the contraptions at his house. Or this season and his stages of drunk, something just completely ridiculous that you wouldn't see in older episodes. Truth be told he always struck me as way

The show has never had a problem with the emotional moments. However if the comedy and character work around it isn't as strong it's just not as complete for me, personally, and that was the issue in the later seasons.

I watched a lot of it in a binge, and you're right it does lend itself well to marathon viewing. I have to ask though…how on earth does marathoning a show that runs 9 seasons suddenly make it a "giant miniseries". By that logic pretty much every show is a miniseries as long as you watch it at once.

I dunno man, watch a season 1/2 episode then watch a season 6/7 episode. The gulf in quality is pretty stark, and the show in general just has a very different feel, particularly in the way jokes are delivered.

Slap Bet is great but I'm not sure it would be my personal best. Top 10 for sure, maybe top 5.

Well, when I say mediocre it's in relation to Community season 1-3 (well, about half of 3). To me it's just getting increasingly tired…the show is constantly repeating itself and feels like it hasn't had a genuine novel idea in ages. The most interesting aspect was the change-up of the status quo in the season

It's Robin, yo.

Seasons 1-3 are chock full of em.

"Kung Pao Turkey", "Baby Franny", "Less Money, Mo' Problems", "The Worst Stan", "For Black Eyes Only", and probably one or two of the first handful of episodes.