
Finally, someone quoted a good line. People keep talking about how funny this episode is but you're the only person to actually quote something funny from it.

Britta was terrible this episode. It seriously ruined the entire B (C?) plot.

1. Geothermal Escapism
2. Intro To Teaching
3. Basic Intergluteal Numismatics
4. Cooperative Polygraphy
5. Repilot
6. Analysis of Cork-Based Networking

This episode was no better than anything in season 4, and pointing it out every episode isn't clever.

You really thought Abed and Britta were in character? They were like horrible versions of themselves.

Wow…I've officially entered bizarro world. This was one of the most laughless episodes of Community I've ever seen. I cracked one smile.

I'm giving it a C because it was poorly plotted, had poor characterization, and lacked good jokes. I think "Intro To Teaching" was a fine example of a funny regular episode with an entertaining plot and solid humor, this had neither of that.

I just watched season 1 (and 2-4), and the biggest difference for me is that those episodes are howlingly funny. This episode had one or two memorable jokes, if that. Plus those episodes had such strong energy…this just felt like a limp noodle.

Yeah, pretty much. I agree on Abeds plot, but this episode as a whole was awkwardly handled. It was also really dull, and felt like it had hardly any jokes. The characters were off too. I'm struggling to see how anyone can find this to be good Community tonight. I just watched it and I already forgot what happened in

You're not being that guy. A "B" for this episode is generous. It had absolutely no energy at all, and to me was probably one of the worst Harmon episodes ever. In fact this made me want to go back and bump up my grade for last weeks. At least they were TRYING something there.


David Zuckerman hates the cannibal aspect too. It works for me.

Uhh clearly a lot of people here think the show is utter shit now, so he's hardly alone.

Yeah, "poignant' is not the word I'd use to describe this episode of Family Guy. Or any episode for that matter…except MAYBE the bank vault one.

He's really not heavily involved in AD at all. He doesn't even read scripts until the table read…he puts time aside to do the voices for his two character but other than that he doesnt really do anything for the show. He's said this many times over.

I don't know though, because up until recently and Rich Appel took over, he was still show runner. There's an interview from recently where he says that everything still goes through him when he's there.

He does like 60% of the voices in Family Guy, not American Dad. Keep in mind he FG he plays tons of random voices for cutaways and just characters who have a line or two in a given scene. Not to mention he voices 3 main characters and like 10 other supporting ones.

I don't know who MovieBob is, but he's wrong. The show sucked when it came back, plain and simple. I still watch the early episodes and admire how clever and well-written they were. When they came back manatees had took over.

Yeah, and the thing people need to realize is that having decent characters and stories made the JOKES that much better. So yeah, it was always focused on jokes, but it used to have other ingredient that gave the jokes more weight, as opposed to the nothingness of it all now.

WHAAAAT, Vacation Goo!? That's like, as classic as it gets. What do you hate about it?