
I just think it's not only a funny episode, but the act breaks are just great. It's the kind of really interesting cliffhangers that you rarely see in animated fare, and this has two of them. Plus as you said, Roger as the Persian is amazing, as is the subplot. And Francines "What the fuck is going on!?".

And the ending to that subplot is genius, with Klaus coming back after 60 years in another dimension, defeating a hideous Lovecraftian monster.

Not the best, but I think they still do them quite well. I love "When A Stan Loves A Woman", which is a great episode, like ADs version of "The Last Temptation of Homer", except way more twisted. I mean they go as far as to divorce Stan and Francine and get us to accept Stan sleeping with another woman - all while

Whaaaat, that's like top 5 American Dad there man.

Was it just me or was Jeff Watley the same character model as the guy Dick tries to knock out and they throw in his trunk in "Stans Night Out"?

I was so glad they subverted that and didn't go with the lazier, more standard "Koreans eat pets" route.

This was undeniably a strong episode. B+ range, no doubt. Sure I wouldn't put it in the upper-tier of episodes this season ("Poltergasm", "Indie Movie", "Crotchwalkers", Minstrel Krampus"), but it sits firmly right below those as a solidly funny and entertaining episode in a continually strong season.

"I even offered you the pretzel!"
"Yeah, after you drowned it in mustard! This isn't over, Watley!"

Huh, so it was a callback to their own joke? Interesting…I guess. American Dad did a joke like that once that I love…well not a "meta-callback", but just instructing the audience to look something up. In this case it was Roger saying "I just Mr. Belvedered myself. Google it."

No. I haven't even seen it, but no.

I honestly think modern Simpsons is worse than modern Family Guy. This show doesn't even have jokes anymore! I mean what. the. hell.

There was definitely a racist joke in there somewhere. I wish I could remember it (no I don't).

Yeah, pretty lame. If anyones interested, the episode involves Stan getting his 100th kill. We've come so far since "The 42 Year-Old Virgin"!

Communitys premise hasn't really changed. Jeffs a teacher now, which has affected like one episode, and a few characters have been lost but not by choice. It's still basically the same show, that's why this season keeps hitting the same beats previous seasons did in the story department.

The Office season 4 > Parks season 4
The Office season 5 = Parks season 5 (well, it's close, although probably The Office by a hair)

She was in therapist overdrive mode though, and was really obnoxious about it. Yeah she was more self-aware, but still…I'll say it, Britta was annoying tonight.

The show as a whole hasn't really been firing on it's comedic cylinders this season. But if you have any affection for these characters at all, it was almost impossible not to get a little sad and nostalgic during the last few scenes.

I like Britta too, but I wish they'd stop making her so obnoxious.

Yes, yes it has.

B+, although largely for the last few scenes. I mean, I did dig the lava/action stuff and thought the atmosphere was handled very well, but the constant winking and OTT cartoon Britta was a bit of a detriment. It also wasn't very funny. It felt like one of the shows more broad sitcomish high-concept episodes in