"I had a dream like this, but it was sexual!"
"I had a dream like this, but it was sexual!"
Eh, there's no reason it couldn't be both. You know they wanted to to it at least in part because it WAS cool.
I didn't really dig that episode, but then again I did like the one before it with the Ass Crack Bandit, so I'm not necessarily opposed to concept episodes. And to be fair, I wrote that before I saw this episode, and I think it mostly worked…My only real complaints were a.) it was a little stale at times, and b.) it…
He definitely impacts the show in a big way. But at the same time, his mere involvement colors the show entirely different for so many fans that everything changes for the better even if it actually hasn't, and it's impossible to know how these would REALLY be received if it weren't during the glorious Harmon return…
I'm not hating on it at all. Every episode I've given between a B- and a B+. If I was hating on it I'd be giving it C's and D's (cause yes my grades totally matter).
Yeah, and it's in fine form for a season 5 sitcom. It's still got decent jokes and enjoyable characters, and has done a few interesting things this season to keep it from being too stale and boring. But I think there was this huge expectation from a lot fans that it was gonna be season 1/2 all over again, and so now…
I might be alone here, but the knock-knock bit was more grating than funny. It went on a little too long and felt aimless and repetitive (which perhaps was the point, but still). Britta as a whole turned me off this episode…I get they were dialing up her annoying tendencies to 10, but just doing that and being…
I didn't really dig the jokes that much. It felt like a lot of throwing a shit ton of stuff at the wall and only a little stuck. "Abed tracks the group with GPS! How wacky and wild!"…stuff like that just…eh.
There was some good atmosphere to this one, and some cool set-pieces for sure. It was overall pretty imaginative, which made it a lot better than the concept episodes from last year. It did feel a little stale in places though, like it's nothing really new for the show. Overall, I enjoyed it but I just wish it was…
It's a little troubling that they went that route at all…I mean, this is a show that used to be able to do normal episodes pretty great. So why not for one of the most important characters in the casts last episode just drop that and do something more down-to-earth and real. Then again, at this point in the shows run…
I never expected it to be. But the thing is, I keep hearing/reading that it is. It just ain't.
Sure it has, but that isn't saying that much, and on it's own it hasn't exactly been *great* either. I mean the best Community episodes are so wonderfully structured, and they were fun, original, and organic, while none of the episodes yet have really come close to approaching that once-attained level of awesomeness.…
Yeah, people claiming "Polygraphy" was the best episode in the series had me seriously scratching my head. It felt empty, personally. Troys reason for leaving rang hollow, and the ending didn't feel like true Community heart, rather a tacked on happy ending for Pierce and the characters. If it was plotted as…
Shit, I just read through all the comments and I didn't even see the episode. What does that say about me?
I myself marathoned it a few months ago, and also found myself mostly enjoying it as well. It's not my favorite show by any means but it's solidly entertaining, often in that "can't look/can't look away" kind of way. Sure the characters are annoying and shallow and self-indulgent, and so on and so forth, but that's…
Sorry, it's just the Harmon-worshipping (as evidenced by the down-voting) for what was a mildly funny episode of television is a little tiresome. But then again, I did forget we're only a few weeks in…and Communtys third episode is probably one of the funnier I've seen thus far. Just didn't think "Polygraphy" was…
How could be in the top tier of Community episodes if it lacked the "zing" you speak of, which we all know what is… That's just an essential ingredient for classic Community, and one missing here.
No offense, but if "Cooperative Polygraphy" was the funniest episode of tv in 2014, we are truly in a sad state affairs. I mean it was a decent episode and all, but c'mon. It wasn't even as funny as the Community episode the week prior!
Hmm, I suppose. I think that could be said for a lot of episodes though, they have shared quite a few writers (6 to be exact). In fact (I've mentioned this several times before) but they did a paintball/war parody episode about a year before Community. It's from season 5, called "In Country…Club", and it's…
Seinfeld pretty much changed it's whole tone though. Parks hasn't really done that, nor does it show signs that it can/will.