
You know you can un-downvote, right?

Let's hope the quality picks up a bit THIS season, before we start talking way down the line.

It's hard to consider Community really rebooting it's premise when the last two episodes could have been essentially aired in any season with no problem (minus Pierce, of course). It slightly changed it's dynamics, but only because it had to thanks to the mess season 4 left.

So the show could even further copy the trajectory of The Office? Please, no thank you. Just end it next season with her in the lead role, as is meant to be.

They both had their best seasons at the same time though, and have been on almost equal paths (season 2-3 brilliant, downward slope in 4 - although I think The Office's 4th is better - continued downward in 5,6), so maybe they avoided that one problem, but there's certainly been others.

Really…season 5s your favorite? Huh, that's an interesting and certainly different opinion than the norm around here (seasons 2-3), but I enjoy 5 as well and think it was the last truly great season of The Office (the MSPC arc is great).


Yeah, that's where the show kinda sorta lost me too. Not that it's bad…it just got kinda dull and the jokes weren't sharp enough to completely make up for that.

American Dad is still going pretty strong, 9 seasons in (10, if you go by Wikipedia)…and South Park was good still 10 seasons in, and the Simpsons was only really beginning it's downward slope. So maybe it's different for animated shows, is what I'm saying.

After rewatching this, I've come to realize that it felt like an episode aping what Community once was, just with more skill than last season. It just doesn't have that level of humor and creativity the show once had. And it's like the tone of the jokes is very different.

Pierces parting words felt like it came from a different, sappier sitcom that doesn't really have a handle on the organic heartfelt beats mixed with comedy/cynicism that Community once had with ease.

"Cooperative Calligraphy" is just utterly hilarious, and almost every line is funny, quotable and memorable.

Yeah, they really botched the reason the Troys leaving. I'm honestly shocked at how poorly that was handled.

"Arguably the shows best episode."

I honestly didn't think it was that much better than the puppet episode. It was more in-depth, for sure, but the things they said were just as ridiculous and cartoony. They just don't feel like real people to me anymore.

Because the writing demanded it to bring up contrived drama.

If this is a top 5 episode of Community then I'm watching the wrong show. Seriously, what am I missing here?

I can't recall more than one or two memorable lines from the episode…and forced sentimental bullshit brought on by contrived plotting is NOT Community. I'm sorry, but this show used to do heartfelt right. This was like as generic as could possibly be.

Yeah, this episode was seriously unfunny for a supposedly classic Community episode. Just because the exchanges are rapid-fire doesn't make the jokes good, in fact it was all just TOO random and forced for me to really find funny.

I mean, it's the last season, and a lot of people here have stuck with the show this long. Also a big factor in this show is seeing how everything plays out with the mother. Basically what I'm saying is you really can't blame people for continuing to watch the show, even if they feel it has been pretty bad lately.