Anthony Perez

Boy, they whipped up those Zombie Ponchos mighty quickly. Did Jessie pick those up at a CostCo a while back or are the Amazon Drones working in this universe?

There was ZERO urgency

Why is Morgan hellbent on protecting the Wolf, especially given the current circumstances?

The turn for Gus' plot is a real headscratcher. Once the Ninja Vampire Death Squad died, Gus basically said, 'oh well."

My jaw damn near fell off when I saw Rachel too, but mostly because I was like "damn, she still looks great." I just rewatched Season 1 over the past week and even now, damn near 8 years later, she looks practically the same.

A "B" for this episode is absolutely CRIMINAL

Fair point.

The exact line was, "Nah come on… man, some straight like you giant stick up his ass all of a sudden at age what 60 he’s just going to break bad?"

So um…after multiple watches it appears that Sasha definitely cut Abraham with a zombie-blood knife….So….?

All i've got to say is…good lord can Vince Gilligan write dialogue.