
I would like to cut his dick off, one millimeter at a time, and then pry out his eyeballs and stuff his testicles in the empty sockets.

Season 5 is rocking it hardcore with the background story. This episode is absolutely a new favourite for me… I'm not one to watch a television show twice, but I sat down and watched this episode three times in a row to get as much as I could out of it, and each time it affected me profoundly and had me on the verge

*sigh*… I am guilty of half-watching shows as well - especially when they're as bad as Dexter and I stay on out of some weird sense of obligation like a bad relationship. I'm on the iPad playing Pixelogic and in the same boat as you: the recap comes on from last week and I start to wonder if I missed an episode. Then

*sigh*… I am guilty of half-watching shows as well - especially when they're as bad as Dexter and I stay on out of some weird sense of obligation like a bad relationship. I'm on the iPad playing Pixelogic and in the same boat as you: the recap comes on from last week and I start to wonder if I missed an episode. Then

At the point, the characters are more inbred than a southern trailer park. The dialogue is about as witty as what one would find there, too.

At the point, the characters are more inbred than a southern trailer park. The dialogue is about as witty as what one would find there, too.

Wan'er's Chinese (Mandarin) was grammatically perfect, and well spoken. Here's a transcript. (Excuse the traditional characters, but I prefer them and my computer's only set up for traditional Chinese.)

Wan'er's Chinese (Mandarin) was grammatically perfect, and well spoken. Here's a transcript. (Excuse the traditional characters, but I prefer them and my computer's only set up for traditional Chinese.)

That scene made me fall out of my chair, as at the time, I was munching down on a block of raw ramen myself (without the seasoning packet) - it's one of my favourite snacks.

That scene made me fall out of my chair, as at the time, I was munching down on a block of raw ramen myself (without the seasoning packet) - it's one of my favourite snacks.

Another homo chiming in here, and while I see flaws - especially in the execution of the grandmother's character - I really enjoy this show tremendously. What really does it for me is the genuine chemistry between the four main characters, and the affection displayed between the two male leads. Justin Bartha is very

Another homo chiming in here, and while I see flaws - especially in the execution of the grandmother's character - I really enjoy this show tremendously. What really does it for me is the genuine chemistry between the four main characters, and the affection displayed between the two male leads. Justin Bartha is very

Asians - especially women - look 20 until their 60th birthday or so, at which point they go to bed and wake up looking approximately 500 years old.

Asians - especially women - look 20 until their 60th birthday or so, at which point they go to bed and wake up looking approximately 500 years old.

Everything about this show - from tacky, outdated premise to stereotype characters, poor writing, and just general epic lack of win - reminds me of that god-awful errr…. comedy (for lack of a better term) Work It from early 2012.

Everything about this show - from tacky, outdated premise to stereotype characters, poor writing, and just general epic lack of win - reminds me of that god-awful errr…. comedy (for lack of a better term) Work It from early 2012.

Maybe on the next planet you live on, grad school "creative writing" will equal cookbook writing or restaurant owning and you'll make a lick of sense.

Maybe on the next planet you live on, grad school "creative writing" will equal cookbook writing or restaurant owning and you'll make a lick of sense.

Do any other people here watch Masterchef Australia?

Do any other people here watch Masterchef Australia?