Alyson Olson

Finally!  Someone who agrees with me about the weakness of the plot devices that is the White Walkers.  They are (so far) my least favorite thing about the book series and they take from the real heart of the series which is the politics (whether personal, familial and national) of Westeros.  Everything that happens

Another interesting plot development is 
Corcoran’s possible (re?)turn to morphine addiction.  It makes me wonder if he was finally succumbing to the stress and gave into temptation or if he had been doing it all along on the sly.  It's not cocaine but morphine was also a hell of a drug especially back then when it was

Another interesting plot development is 
Corcoran’s possible (re?)turn to morphine addiction.  It makes me wonder if he was finally succumbing to the stress and gave into temptation or if he had been doing it all along on the sly.  It's not cocaine but morphine was also a hell of a drug especially back then when it was

Proving once again how lazy the writers have become, long time viewers of the show will remember that Donna had family of her own in Charming-that's how Opie ended up working in the lumber yard during the first season (her father and brother worked there), so it would have been quite easy for Donna's family to seek

Proving once again how lazy the writers have become, long time viewers of the show will remember that Donna had family of her own in Charming-that's how Opie ended up working in the lumber yard during the first season (her father and brother worked there), so it would have been quite easy for Donna's family to seek



I think I'm more pissed off about the potential of where they could have taken Opie as a character if the writers hadn't become so lazy and needed to keep him as a "happy circus bear beaten by drunken clowns" (great quote by the way) than the fact this kind of character death is straight out The Shield's (which Sutter

I think I'm more pissed off about the potential of where they could have taken Opie as a character if the writers hadn't become so lazy and needed to keep him as a "happy circus bear beaten by drunken clowns" (great quote by the way) than the fact this kind of character death is straight out The Shield's (which Sutter

If the show doesn't end with Jax and Opie declaring their love for each before having a hot, sweaty sex scene followed up by the both of them leaving the club together and taking their kids to raise them in a commune I will feel that the show was a complete disaster…or rather, more of a disaster than it already has

If the show doesn't end with Jax and Opie declaring their love for each before having a hot, sweaty sex scene followed up by the both of them leaving the club together and taking their kids to raise them in a commune I will feel that the show was a complete disaster…or rather, more of a disaster than it already has