
How are the Zombies not in the Rock & Roll hall of Fame?

Damn it, Pop Culture Survivor, you beat us all to it!

I actually like Hall & Oates but putting them in the same league as Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, and The Beatles…

When are they going to acknowledge that they need to stop letting in 5 bands every… The selections are getting worse and worse every year. The first year was like Elvis and CHuck Berry… now it's Hall and Oates?

Christ, this column went from bad to worst. Are we seriously tearing apart Nickleback? Why don't we start a column about advancements in science. THe first installment can be "You know if you drop something it falls to the ground… It's called gravity"

Has anybody ever heard of this bitch to know whether or not she has any right to be this arrogant?

And winner for most inexpilcably arrogant phrase of 2013…

I'm fine with people saying that Yoko is not their cup of tea (she's not particularly mine) what I don't get is the people who want her life shortened. Seriously? Has she really done anything to justify that kind of hate?

I've always thought Yoko got a raw deal and thought that sexism was one of the reasons.

Working Class Hero is just one of those songs… Man, it really just touches on everything i hate about the world. He really sounds troubled on that song. So great…

I've always thought Yoko got a raw deal mainly because a rock star didn't marry a super model… HEAVEN FORBID!

Rain is Ringo's favorite Beatles song.

That's the real difference between him and CHris Brown.

If Charlie Brown beat his girlfriend he'd have been in REAL trouble.

George Martin said (while being very careful to acknowledge that John had his own talents) that there was a part of John that was jealous of Paul's skill with a melody (you can hum "Fool on the Hill" or "Yesterday". "I am the Walrus" not so much) and that was part of the reason John was so critical of Paul

ScottyEnn, has essentially summarized my entire feelings toward Lennon and McCartney. They're both insanely talented and flawed men. Just because you like one, doesn't mean you can't like the other. Another thing, saying how much you hate one of them, doesn't build up the other.

I hate "Silly Love Songs" because I hate songs that feel like they're in response to something.

I can summarize all these arguments with the following:

I saw Sting on some interview show and, pushing 60 he was still wearing leather pants, a shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest, and some stupid bohemian-looking necklace. It's like "dude, do you own a mirror?"

My tenth grade history teacher played U2 songs for us… as well as "What's Going On?" by Marvin Gaye and "Fortunate Son" by CCR.