
Christ, I had forgotten the robot scene in Superman. That scared the crap out of me. I swear to god I haven't watched that movie since I was a kid but I can completely remember the grunts that woman made during the transformation.

Christ, I had forgotten the robot scene in Superman. That scared the crap out of me. I swear to god I haven't watched that movie since I was a kid but I can completely remember the grunts that woman made during the transformation.

For me it was renting "Breaking the Waves" from Blockbuster and watching it with my parents when I was like 13.

For me it was renting "Breaking the Waves" from Blockbuster and watching it with my parents when I was like 13.

Can anybody explain to me the appeal of Sweeny Todd?

Can anybody explain to me the appeal of Sweeny Todd?

I'm thinking that Rabin is getting the idea of  "beefcake" confused with somebody who eats a lot of beef and cake.

I'm thinking that Rabin is getting the idea of  "beefcake" confused with somebody who eats a lot of beef and cake.

Mmm… I just typed Ty Stone into google image search and he does not look like a beefcake… uh, just the opposite.

Mmm… I just typed Ty Stone into google image search and he does not look like a beefcake… uh, just the opposite.

Damage his unblemished public image? No! Never!

Damage his unblemished public image? No! Never!

I don't think it's an issue of who's more arrogant so much as how big the disparity between lack of talent and excess of ego is.

I don't think it's an issue of who's more arrogant so much as how big the disparity between lack of talent and excess of ego is.

What if the editor did say that to him? What if THIS is the y less narcisstic version of the book?

What if the editor did say that to him? What if THIS is the y less narcisstic version of the book?

David Hasselhoff has made me seriously think about giving up irony. Sure he's a joke. Sure everybody makes fun of him… but do you know how much money he makes off of hipsters buying his stuff ironically? Meanwhile people who are actually talented end up getting jobs in retail. So frustrating…

David Hasselhoff has made me seriously think about giving up irony. Sure he's a joke. Sure everybody makes fun of him… but do you know how much money he makes off of hipsters buying his stuff ironically? Meanwhile people who are actually talented end up getting jobs in retail. So frustrating…

Ha ha… I was actually playing devil's advocate because if he has planned this all out, he's a genius.

Ha ha… I was actually playing devil's advocate because if he has planned this all out, he's a genius.