
Yeah, those things make decent money. If black people aren't going to see those movies, I don't know who is.

Yeah, those things make decent money. If black people aren't going to see those movies, I don't know who is.

Can I request Miley Cyrus's lol for the next entry?

Can I request Miley Cyrus's lol for the next entry?

Can somebody confirm a scene from Straight Talk and tell me if it was real or imagined:

Can somebody confirm a scene from Straight Talk and tell me if it was real or imagined:

Something crazy, I live in Pittsburgh and when I started reading your post I thought, "sort of like that one school Duquesne", only to read you mention the exact same school in the 2nd paragraph.

Something crazy, I live in Pittsburgh and when I started reading your post I thought, "sort of like that one school Duquesne", only to read you mention the exact same school in the 2nd paragraph.

Hot chicks who think they're funny are the worst because no guy wants to tell them that they're not.

Hot chicks who think they're funny are the worst because no guy wants to tell them that they're not.

The reason you find her hot is probably the same reason every other man on the planet does. She's really hot.

The reason you find her hot is probably the same reason every other man on the planet does. She's really hot.

Wonder Woman had a fat sidekick name Etta Candy who said "Woo Woo" a lot? I think you just described everything I love in one sentence.

Wonder Woman had a fat sidekick name Etta Candy who said "Woo Woo" a lot? I think you just described everything I love in one sentence.

In all fairness, Geoff Johns helped with the Green Lantern movie and you know how that turned out.

In all fairness, Geoff Johns helped with the Green Lantern movie and you know how that turned out.

Linda Carter as Wonder Woman's mom actually wouldn't make sense because Amazonians don't age.

Linda Carter as Wonder Woman's mom actually wouldn't make sense because Amazonians don't age.

I don't get why they keep talking about a Wonder Woman tv show. Fucking Ghostrider got two movies and they're talking about giving Wonder Woman a tv show? Why can't she have a freakin' movie like every other superhero (most of whom are way less interesting).

I don't get why they keep talking about a Wonder Woman tv show. Fucking Ghostrider got two movies and they're talking about giving Wonder Woman a tv show? Why can't she have a freakin' movie like every other superhero (most of whom are way less interesting).