Mrs David Tennant

This is my Air Bud story I have to tell every time Air Bud comes up - I was working at a summer camp about 19 years ago (shit, 19 years?!) and we had a bunch of foreign counselors. This one Welsh guy was announcing the movie and it came out something like Arrrrrr Booood. Everyone is like, what they hell did he just

I am really getting sick of Disqus logging me out every time I leave the page. Stop it!


That's funny - I like to eat my ice cream sandwiches when the cookie is still crisp and the ice cream barely biteable.

I was actually just thinking about this the other day. I've had 4 three-ways, 3 of which were 2 guys & me, and one with me, my friend, and a guy. I was also thinking that if I described the assorted sex-things that I've done, someone would get a very misleading picture of my sexual adventuresomeness. (I don't think

My friend's children actually still liked having me around when they were teenagers. I was someone they could talk to who didn't get all bent out of shape about things like their parents.

I would think your neighbors would be in favor of you upgrading the house but I guess all they can think about is the inconvenience it might be to them.

It Ended Badly: Thirteen of the Worst Breakups of all time by Jennifer Wright - just what it said in the title. It was very amusing.

Wow! Now that's an Apology!

I really enjoy being "the fun aunt" with my nieces and nephews, and friends' kids for that matter.

Pandora Shuffle:
Sloop John B - Beach Boys
Chandelier - Sia
Hearts a mess - Gotye
Inside Out - Traveling Wilburys
Get It On - T-Rex
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez

I was 16 and it's still one of my clearest memories. Not just the sight but the sound! It was amazing.

Grace Kelly was amazing.

Definitely glad I saw Fury Road in the theater - it wasn't even a very good theater and it was quite an experience. I'm also glad I saw The Force Awakens in the theater.

They do look very dumb.

Thank you! I was waiting for that!

I have horrible depth perception as well. I cannot park my car evenly between the lines to save my life. And I'm constantly driving past parking spaces because I don't think I can get in it only to see an SUV whip into the space.

Oh god, I had a Neon. I traded it in after 6 weeks or so.

I always get sirloin! But I will try a ribeye next time, just for you.

Yes, I am too cheap and suburban for a real steakhouse, it's true.