
Seriously people, stop feeding the troll.

I loved the cut to Steven happily sitting behind the couch as everyone else watched the movie.

In fairness, in the game of thrones it's not entirely clear that the winning move isn't to not play.

Os Mutantes - O Religio
Supersilent - 10.5
Virginia Astley - Too Bright For Peacocks
Curtis Mayfield - Miss Black America
Queens of the Stone Age - 3's and 7's (weird, because I filter out songs I haven't heard that come up on shuffle in my library and this is the only song from this album I *have* heard)
J Dilla - Glazed

I think the whole point of Aegon and Quentyn were to make sure that the Targ-aligned Dorne didn't immediately declare for Dany.

Man, who made that version of ""Heroes""? It sounds terrible.

I admittedly only saw 3 or 4 episodes this season, and was being flippant in the first place. Donna was pretty good at dodging the stereotype I laid out during Season 4, for example.

Personally, I think it would be a better victory for gender roles than a female Doctor if the show could manage to introduce female companions that didn't have the same needy, controlling, quasi-romantic relationship with the Doctor.

It's not. But these specific cases aren't obviously making anyone's lives worse, or even deterring the creators from doing what they would have done anyway.

I'm going to be honest, every time I see controversies about black Bonds or female Doctors I just see it as people trying to recast typical anal nerd behavior as racism/sexism. Nerds care about stupid minutiae in their works of fiction all the time, even when they're completely irrelevant to the spirit of the work! I


On the other hand, I wonder how the politically centrist JMS will handle a story that's essentially about the foundation of a socialist state.

"Guy Walks Into An Advertising Agency".

In A Silent Way became my go-to Christmas music a few years back, after I put it on during a snowy walk outside. It's got a lovely uptempo driving sound to it, with very clean chiming notes from the guitar and the ever-wintry Fender Rhodes shifting slowly in the background.

Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Barkle Zoe Trent!

I think the extent to which we'll see this come up later is Dipper calling Mabel out for her actions in Sock Opera and this episode during some later plot. We'll probably see Robbie again, given that he corresponds to one of the symbols on Bill's wheel, but I'm not sure how much they can do with Tambry.

There need to be more portrayals of non-goth teenagers hanging out in cemeteries. I did that all the time at their age.

I disliked Rick Potion #9 a fair bit, not because they were explicit about Morty doing something terrible, but because I hate it when science-fiction shows use incredibly disproportionate responses to establish that something is actually bad.

Because Robbie used it to repair his own relationship with Wendy, and specifically to compensate for mistakes he had made. Mabel used the love potion to help someone else out and start a new relationship which is by no means predestined to work.

It's a context thing. Sometimes a character needs to be immediately recognizable, other times it's already clear.