Ron Barassi

No way! The eye thing was what made it worth doing in the first place.

Well, on the plus side, that's a good deal more impactful than the original line. On the minus side, anyone who happens to be listening in to the phone call in question (e.g. the FBI) isn't going to have to work too hard trying to figure out what the Accountant's been up to.

"The Peterson account has been closed." Pfft! Come on! What kind of lame-ass assassin is this Accountant guy? He really needs to work on his one-liners. How about: "Peterson's debts have now been paid… in full!" Or: "Peterson's financial liabilities have been extinguished… forever!" Or: "tell Peterson's creditors that

Damn it, you're right. Luckily, it wasn't much of a joke.

… are five words you'll never hear uttered in Leno's or Letterman's writers' rooms.

This would seem to be the reason for that: "Due to the request of Mr. Adams, we no longer display his information on AllMusic." bit.ly/13M4RWO

This is more or less exactly how I feel about it: it looks amazing, and with that director and those casting choices (I don't really have any problems with Pfeiffer), all the elements are there for an instant classic, but… no. It just doesn't work, not for me anyway. I read the book a short while before I first saw

John Pilger is actually a whiny scold, but whatever.

Yeah, that's what I was about to say… what were the filmmakers thinking? The song has so much classic-rock-radio, "Big Chill"-type baggage nowadays that it's impossible to think of it in any other way.

As I recall it, that was the movie with Eva Mendes and Kylie Minogue in it, surrounded by several hours' worth of incomprehensible French bollocks.

Zelda Fitzgerald and I read it, and we agreed that it was a good Gatsby, but not a great one, that it needed some work, but it could be a fine book.

Yeah, they placed a great big embargo (which only one film reviewer broke) on early reviews, which does make you wonder what the studio's afraid of.

I havent been to China in more twenty years, but that sounds pretty much like the Guangzhou I remember. (Pro tip for anyone time-travelling to 1991-era Guangzhou: avoid the moneychangers on Shamian Island at all costs.)

As a primer for life in Auckland, make sure you track down and watch the TV3 series, Outrageous Fortune. You'll learn a lot.

Took the weekend off to burn through seasons 1-9 of Home and Away: The Original Series. "Strewth! Stone the flamin' crows, Ailsa!" A true Australian classic.

But that song could be about anything - the lyrics are kind of ambiguous. For instance, perhaps the girl in question has lost her car keys in the beach sand, and he's down there helping her look for them with his brand new metal detector, which he's using for the first time.

Shirley Temple-Black, former child star, and U.S. ambassador to Ghana (1974-76) and Czechoslovakia (1989-92). She was here a little while ago, you must have missed her.

Well, he's someone who's worked with numerous Hollywood producers and executives over a 25-year movie career, and whose movies have grossed more than a billion dollars worldwide (according to Box Office Mojo), so if he's not an expert, then surely no-one is.

Out of Sight for light entertainment. The Limey, for when you're in the mood to listen to incomprehensible Cockney slang.

Yeah, I wish I shared your enthusiasm. But Cumberbatch is definitely a plus (whoever does the casting on these reboot movies definitely knows their stuff… Eric Bana excepted.)