Charlie Browns Deflated Ego

Now that Happy Endings is cancelled its time to bring back Kim being chased by the cougar. Because everyone loved that…

The mystery is always padding in the season finales so I went in with lowered expectations… which were mildly met. If Castle can snag Carlos Bernard away from reprising Tony Almeida for an hour or two of 24 (12?) he wouldn't be a terrible recurring character / foil for Beckett and Castle.

It may be that I have completely missed this point in the show but how does one get from Virginia (I think that's where the rebels base is) to Atlanta so quickly?

It aired in Connecticut, at least the NYC broadcast… I was a little shocked to be honest.

Pretty sure its a call back to season 1 when Ted used the matchmaker.

Things I am guilty of:

Clearly, this is a thinly diguised Inception Part 2 and Berenger is actually Tom Hardy again..

I have the same issue with the Shamrock Shake. It tastes okay at its best, although disgustingly artificial. But god damn if I dont get one every March and scarf it down