Harris Bagwell Nye

Interesting thing about the "white actor" factor you mention is how I have heard Will Smith very intentionally only plays roles that were not written for a black man. As in he only plays characters that could have easily been white on the page. With the exception of Ali.

I just want to say I adore The Vaccines hearing one of their songs on a network tv show has been the highlight of my year so far

Plus the Expert comment section is boring as fuck. Just a bunch of assholes whining about this one random character they liked not getting the screen time he deserves and lots of whining about the difference between wights and white walkers.

"I immediately regret this decision. That bear seemed a lot smaller up there" — Jaime after jumping into the bear pit to save Veronica Corningstone

My favorite part of Theon's scene was how it seemed to be breaking the fourth wall. "You want to know who I am and where you are dont you?" Yes we do. "Well all your guesses are wrong" Darn

My theory is that Robert was the best possible king. A personally powerful man willing to make comprises, but generally uninterested in taking personal control of people. Someone who lets more competent people like Ned, Varys, and Littlefinger runs the day to day while using his personal power and charisma to hold

Not gonna lie I had thought Littlefinger's nickname was a joke about him having a small penis. I thought this was connected to him trying to get with Cat & failing.

I am a Southerner and I definitely have pride in where I come from. Just for me slavery and the Confederacy are not part of that. And whatever you wish the Confederate flag stood for it undeniably is connected to slavery. I have plenty of Southern pride but would never use the Confederate flag to symbolize that. Also

Dumb thing is Paisley is from West Virginia. LL Cool J is from New York. The "red flag" from the song doesnt even represent Paisley's background. Pretty dumb to have two guys from Union states defining "Southern Pride" for us.

Possibly Dark Forces?

No. Tie Fighter was the best. Much better graphics than X-Wing an an awesome story which X-Wing vs Tie Fighter didnt have. Tie fighter clearly the best

Yeah my mom was born literally days apart from MCC and so she was always her favorite as she felt like MCC music really related to her

Guys check out the song "Merry Go Round". Here is the link. Its on the radio & defies every complaint yall have. The singer suggests she doesnt believe in God! Its getting played on the radio! http://www.youtube.com/watc…

And she is faking it. I have heard recordings of her from before she made it big. Does not sound that way

Probably. I just figure he isnt as well known and my point wouldnt have been communicated as effectivelly

Actually I totally agree with this statement. I just used him as shorthand since most people who hate country music use the jingoism stuff as an example of why. But yeah i actually do like most of his music a lot. I just think its unfair when people use his most well known output as an example of whats wrong with

Just a friendly reminder, any attempts to say "no really country is lame and only backwards hicks like it" will inevitably be incorrect since youre making grand sweeping statements about the largest genre of music in America. Toby Keith isnt country music anymore than Train is rock n roll or 50 Cent is rap or any

The Carrie Diaries isnt a spinoff about Carrie Matheson's love life/struggles with crippling insanity??

Man these are some of the stupidest comments I have ever read from the av club in what is usually a good comment section. Especially the idea that Taylor Swift owes her career to Kanye interrupting her. She was accepting an award for a song that was already the one of the most popular songs in America and it was off

Yes and rap sucks because of 50 Cent and rock sucks because of Train etc.Dismissing any genre of music is always stupid you were right the first time