Bill Stiteler

We taught Houdini how to love
Greatest. Line. Ever.

As I recall, Scorsese didn't shoot <em>No Direction Home</em>, he was given filmed segments from Dylan's cadre, and put the finished work together.

Double your pleasure…
It seems like you and Scott are seeing a lot of the same films. Accident or design?

The value of a review to an artist
One of the people I consider a mentor described it to me like this: "A review can be a useful tool for selling a ticket. That's it."

Viva Tom Laughlin
I'm probably alone in hoping that Viva Laughlin is actually about Billy Jack trying to start a hippie school while being hassled by Wolverine, with both of them breaking into song, right?

I'd rather see an interview like this one, where the subject is open, honest, and contrary, than another one like Steve Zahn's where every project is "fabulous, really great" to work on.

Aldo Mania
What, no love for Aldo Kelrast, the Captain Kangaroo-lookalike who stalked Mary Worth? Aldo's Johnny Walker-fueled demise after driving off a cliff touched many people deeply, Onion AV Club.

Blue Beetle 16
Features clever writing, Traci 13, and best of all the title is "Total Eclipso: the Heart."

Say what?
I gotta tell you, Nathan, for the first time I completely disagree with your analysis of a film. "Wagon" is an anarchic, unconventional, and just plain fun musical, sort of a Bizarro-universe "Seven Brides."

Great stuff on Brooks, but you used "vane" for "vain."

Lay off Stan
Because Stan Lee is an outgoing, exuberant who likes to talk to people and get them as excited as he is about projects, people have accused him of "hogging" the spotlight. The man's a hell of a raconteur and an extrovert, as opposed to the artists he's worked with, many of whom stopped talking to the

Dumb question, I'm sure, but have you seen "The Five Obstructions?" Lars von Trier has his mentor, Jørgen Leth, remake his short film "The Perfect Human," five times, using a variety of, well, obstructions. In the first one, no edit can be longer than 12 frames: half a second. Leth initially

von Laughsalot
That's two! Next you're going to be accusing Uwe Boll of jousting with milkmaids behind the barn.

Dancing Clown
Click on the dancing clown? Nice MST3k ref, Noel!