
"rising tensions", "supplies run low"  "party members turn on one another,"

Much like with the super bunker under the CDC, it turns out that the US Government has been running the aircraft carrier groups on the cheap and there was only enough firewood/barbeque gas bottles to run everything for a week. Unlike the unlimted supply of power at Hershell's farm.

Twilight convinced me of the power of marketing and suggestion. It somehow got millions of people to believe that the relentlessly average looking Robert pattinson is in some way good looking.

Is Boardwalk Empire actually good now? Or is it still 'good' like all those A episodes last year?

Yeah I thought she was going to start pulling on the big rope and the body would be on the bottom weighed down by an anchor or something. But instead, bubbles.

It really is questionable. And they don't even go the Buffy route, i.e. vampires/demons exist, for the most part, outside society preying on it and even where the state is aware of them, they are fundamentally different from humans so it would be impossible to treat them like they are.

Fuck this show is poorly written. Did the the writers skip the day in 8th grade English when the teacher described subtext? Or do the writers just think we are so dumb we will never get that the deer was a metaphor unless the characters tell us that the deer is a metaphor over and over again?

I find the show’s core concept, that horrible crimes aren’t committed by people but real monsters masquerading as people and even though the system seems to have no problem with dealing with them as if they are real people, a cop needs to go outside the law to kill them with knives, pretty questionable. It’s not a

Yeah, the show has created a fairly consistent character in Cassie; it's just that her character is consistently dumber than a bag of hammers.

I keep thinking that my major problem with this show is the characters, but then I don't particularly feel strongly about any of the characters in VD either and that show is a lot of fun. My new theory is it's the actors, especially the actress who plays Cassie.  She is just a blackhole. Every time she appears on

Eat Drink Man Woman > The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover > Martha Marcy May Marlene > Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

I don't get it, doesn't pork come from massive tin sheds just off highways? What exactly is the economic component of this job?

The meta-search idea pretty much describes the service that every university I've worked at has used for academic journals. You search the library site for the article, it tells you which databases carry the journal and whether the university subscribes to them.

As I understand it, Nook uses the universal formats for epublishing.
Amazon is alone in being a dick about using proprietary file formats.

Yeah, I think this episode probably deserves around a C as a pat on the back for for being less racist than any previous episode. The show is now down to like Mel Gibson levels of racism.

I was on the verge of dropping this show after last weeks episode, but for some reason I really enjoyed this one despite it having all the same problems. The only explanations I can come up with are: not a single mention of Charming Heights (Sweet lord can we just drop/resolve this storyline already), no biker USA

Do they bus their audience in from sex offender blocks of maximum security prisons? Cause that is about the only explanation that doesn't leave me despairing for humanity for the over the top hoots every time Oleg drops one of his sexual assault single-entendres. Also help explain how hilarious the audience finds

Another indication the show exists in some alternate timeline where the 1980s and 1990s never happened: the jokes about sushi.


An entire generation has grown up only knowing crappy new episodes of The Simpsons.