
I dunno. I think there's two creative-Wright's — there's the Wright universe of 'Spaced' through 'The World's End' that is very much influenced by multiple individuals. And then there's Wright outside that universe where he's adapting (Scott Pilgrim) or creating (Baby Driver).

My family and I recently had the conversation of where we should meet up if something catastrophic happened to the US (thanks Trump) and I actually quoted the line (paraphrased) 'I want to go somewhere I know and I want to be able to smoke.'

Same. I guess this is the way it goes now, come fair wind or foul.

Like the invisible ink games you buy at the airport say: you could be 9-99.

Anyone who played Sonic the Hedgehog.

And if you were in the Marvel universe, that would mean something . . .

Where did you see CGI in the trailer? Just curious because I didn't see it . . .

Agreed, go Matt.

Dr. Mung Mung and Tongue Tongue.

And you as well. Thumbs up, whatever ocean we're on. :)

It was! Sorry if I did not give it credit. No offense.

Steve Whitmire —

No, wrong. The goal should be to find and support the people who can let America be and live up to the idea of it.

And so, Macho Camacho becomes president ….

Vox Sentences tonight: "Some will cheer the decline of America, but I think we'll miss it when it is gone.”

Zoe Kazan, Alison Pill, and Zoe Kravitz are all pretty amazing. I'd love to see their take.

I just really hope we are. Because I'm still not sure but damn I want this to exist.

Or realizes that the greatest love of all is not hometown joe but financial and personal independence and then hometown joe. Which hometown joe completely gets and supports so they move back to the city and get out of the city whenever they can.

Moment of silence for RDIO and its perfect functionality.

I love, love, love the 'mutually assured destruction' speech at the end of season 1. It's one of the most underrated romantic speeches out there and so perfectly describes their relationship and why certain people belong together even if it can be all sharp angles/porcupine love.