
I love this comment. Not only because it hits on the lines Adam West so perfectly hit. But also because, with his death, I fear, so goes the zany age of letting actors be self-reverential, silly, and just there to be there.

Did AVClub ever pick up Sense8 for reviews?

It'd be "I'm going to stay with you anyway" and then that would be "Fuller House".

No, wrong. He's in a position of power. We're not. So until he's gone, we need to fight. NO QUARTER.

It sounds like you need to make a new start because the place you're in is not good for you. We can't all make our principles known to the world and have them accept it. For the most part, we just have to be people — struggling, half desperate, half grateful.

You were not complicit, you did not participate. It's just complicated and fucked up and we're still in the dark ages of all this.

He's got vision. And a work ethic. I'd support him.

I want to believe that. But I'll stop overestimating him when he stops being my country's president.

Thank God I drank all that Ovaltine.

Yep, this is turning something incredibly serious into an internet party. He's still winning . . .

I still think covfefe means to 'distract for the jefe' — cov meaning cover, which could mean distract and fefe meaning jefe, the Spanish word for boss. Basically, a loose, barely literate term that Trump would dangle out there to show us how he games the "liberal media."

If you haven't watched them yet, you should. The awful stuff (rampant injustice, the feeling that the world just doesn't care about women) you'll be used to — but both documentaries let the victims tell their stories, each with their shoulders back and immune to shame (my heroes) and then show funny, amazing people

In the 'I Am Jane Doe' documentary — Richard effing Posner, pretty much in the NBA All Star team of great legal minds, in his opinion, compares online ads for child sex trafficking to gentleman who just want to be on the arm of a pretty lady for the evening.

Their customer service and quality has dropped down significantly since Job's death too. I don't know that I'm going to stick with Apple when my phone and laptop go. It's just soo expensive and they screwed me on something awhile back. It's too bad because I was in full heart-eyed-emoji love with my MacBook when I

I just keep thinking — "look to the helpers."

I'm waiting to see it with my brother because he's a huge Wonder Woman fan. It's been great to have him be outraged that anyone would not be into this series, strictly on a plot level as he thinks Wonder Woman has some of thee best comic plots of all-time.

She said it during the DNC — then Maher rejected the philosophy of it. So yeah, he's "outraged."

But you did. Congrats.

"When they go low, we go high" is a quote from Michelle Obama. Just to clarify.